I wrote this program back in high school 10 years ago and I found it today. I'm getting back into programming and I'd like to get it working again, some of the headers are deprecated which I tried to fix, and I was using borland c++ and now have Dev C++ so the graphics file I was using wasn't included but I think I have fixed that. However, there are still many other errors, mostly header and declaration oriented. I know this program worked before so I think it just needs updating for new standards. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is the code:

using namespace std ;
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "apstring.inc"
#include <ctype>
#include <dos>
class Othello
       int key;
       int centerx, centery, topy, bottomy, rightx, dist;
       int sqsize, radius;
       int highlightx, highlighty, selectx, selecty, checkx, checky;
       int farx, fary;
       int blackcount, whitecount;
       char array[7][7], done;
       int a, b, a1, b1, f, f1, wrongmove;
       int numsq;
       int count, tcount;
       bool valid;
	   apstring play1, play2;  //play1 will be the black chips
	   char direction;	       //play2 will be the white chips

int main()
Othello O;

return 0;

  //setgraphics mode
  int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode;
  initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "c:..\\bgi");

  //set background color
  settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 8);
  outtextxy(170, 145, "Othello");
	for (int x = 100; x <=200; x = x + 30)
	line(x, 300, x + 20, 300);
	line(605 - x, 300, 605 - x - 20, 300);
  arc(300, 150, 240, 300, 120);
  arc(300, 450, 60, 120, 120);
  circle(150, 300, 100);
  arc(150, 300, 28, 331, 100);
  arc(450, 300, 152, 208, 100);
  setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
  floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
  setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, DARKGRAY);
  circle(300, 300, 25);
  floodfill(300, 300, DARKGRAY);

settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1);
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
cout << setw(50) << "Player 1, please enter your name: ";
getline(cin, play1);
cout << endl;
cout  << setw(50) << "Player 2, please enter your name: ";
getline(cin, play2);
cout << endl << endl;
gotoxy(20, 10);
cout << play1 << " will be the black chips." << endl;
gotoxy(20, 11);
cout << play2 << " will be the white chips." << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << setw(50) << "Press <Enter> to begin your game.  " << endl;

Othello::gameboard() //draws the opening game board
centerx = 320;
centery = 240;
sqsize = 50;
radius = 15;
numsq = 3; //number of squares from center

//setting line color

//drawing perimeter
rectangle((centerx - numsq*sqsize), (centery - numsq*sqsize),
	  (centerx + numsq*sqsize), (centery +numsq*sqsize));

//setting background gameboard color
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
floodfill(centerx, centery, LIGHTGREEN);

//drawing center verticle line from top to bottom
line(centerx, (centery - numsq * sqsize), centerx, (centery + numsq* sqsize));

//drawing center horizontal line from left to right
line((centerx - numsq *sqsize), centery, (centerx + numsq*sqsize), centery);

//draw first horizontal line below top line of rectangle
line((centerx -numsq*sqsize), (centery - 2*sqsize),
     (centerx + numsq*sqsize), (centery - 2*sqsize));

//draw second horizontal line below top line of rectangle
line((centerx -numsq*sqsize), (centery - sqsize),
     (centerx + numsq*sqsize), (centery - sqsize));

//draw line below center horizontal line
line((centerx -numsq*sqsize), (centery + sqsize),
     (centerx + numsq*sqsize), (centery + sqsize));

//draw line above bottom perimeter line
line((centerx -3*sqsize), (centery + 2*sqsize),
     (centerx + 3*sqsize), (centery + 2*sqsize));

//farthest left verticle line
line ((centerx - 2*sqsize), (centery + 3*sqsize),
      (centerx - 2*sqsize), (centery - 3*sqsize));

//next line to the right
line ((centerx - sqsize), (centery + 3*sqsize),
      (centerx - sqsize), (centery - 3*sqsize));
//first v line right of the center
line ((centerx + sqsize), (centery + 3*sqsize),
      (centerx + sqsize), (centery - 3*sqsize));
//farthest right v line
line ((centerx + 2*sqsize), (centery + 3*sqsize),
      (centerx + 2*sqsize), (centery - 3*sqsize));

	//set array to all 'g'
	for (a = 1; a <=6 ; ++ a)
	   for (b = 1; b <= 6; ++b)
	   array[a][b] = 'g';

//adding starting chips
//white chips
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
circle(centerx - sqsize/2, centery - sqsize/2, radius);   //top white chip

//set corresponding array letter
array[3][3] = 'w';
circle(centerx + sqsize/2, centery + sqsize/2, radius);   //bottom white chip

//set corresponding array letter
array[4][4] = 'w';
floodfill(centerx - sqsize/2, centery - sqsize/2, LIGHTGREEN);  //filling white chips
floodfill(centerx +sqsize/2, centery +sqsize/2, LIGHTGREEN);

//black chips
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
circle(centerx + sqsize/2, centery - sqsize/2, radius);  //top black chip
circle(centerx - sqsize/2, centery + sqsize/2, radius);

floodfill(centerx + sqsize/2, centery - sqsize/2, LIGHTGREEN);  //filling black chips
floodfill(centerx - sqsize/2, centery + sqsize/2, LIGHTGREEN);
//set arrays for black chips
array[3][4] = 'b';
array[4][3] = 'b';


//beginning highlighted square
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
highlightx = centerx + sqsize - 2;
highlighty = centery - sqsize +2;
floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
rectangle(0, 0, 640, 40);
floodfill(2, 2, BLACK);
outtextxy(10, 10, "White player, please highlight the square you would like to place");
outtextxy(10, 30, "your chip in. Enter 'S' when the proper square is selected. Enter 'X' to Exit.");
outtextxy(10, 10, "Black player, please highlight the square you would like to place");
outtextxy(10, 30, "your chip in. Press Enter when the proper square is selected. Enter 'X' to Exit.");


  gotoxy(1, 10);
  key = getch();

	//direction commands
	if ((key == 72)&&(highlighty - sqsize > centery - sqsize * 3))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlighty = highlighty - sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 80)&&(highlighty + sqsize < centery + sqsize * 3))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlighty = highlighty + sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 77)&&(highlightx + sqsize < centerx + 3 * sqsize))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlightx = highlightx + sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 75)&&(highlightx - sqsize > centerx - 3*sqsize))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlightx = highlightx - sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

  }while ((key != 13)&&(key != 120));

	if (key == 120)
	tcount = 6;
	count = 3;
	selectx = highlightx + 2 - sqsize/2;
	selecty = highlighty - 2 + sqsize/2;
	checkx = selectx;
	checky = selecty;
	wrongmove = 0;

valid = FALSE;

   if (array[a][b] == 'g')

    if (checkx - 2*sqsize > centerx - 3 *sqsize)
      //checking left for validity
	 checkx = checkx - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		checkx = checkx + sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'w')
			valid = TRUE;
			b1 = b;
			farx = checkx;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
      } while ((checkx > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;

	      if (valid == TRUE)
	      circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
	      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	      floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
	      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
	      floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
	      array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in other circles
		for (int f = b1; f <= b; ++f)
			array[a][f] = 'b';
	      //filling in the board
		for (checkx = farx; checkx <= selectx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

    if (checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)
    //while loop to check right for validity
	 checkx = checkx + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		checkx = checkx - sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'w')
			valid = TRUE;
			b1 = b;
			farx = checkx;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
      }while ((checkx < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;

	      if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);


		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in the array
			for (int f = b1; f >= b; --f)
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
			array[a][f] = 'b';
	     //filling in the board
		for (checkx = farx; checkx >= selectx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checky = selecty;
checkx = selectx;
valid = FALSE;

   if (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize)
   //while loop to check down for validity
	checky = checky + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		checky = checky - sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'w')
			valid = TRUE;
			a1 = a;
			fary = checky;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
   }while ((checky < centery + 3 * sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

 checkx = selectx;
 checky = selecty;
	    if (valid == TRUE)
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in array
			for (int f = a1; f >= a; --f)
				array[f][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in circles
			for (checky = fary; checky >= selecty; checky = checky - sqsize)
				floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checky = selecty;
checkx = selectx;
valid = FALSE;
   if (checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize)
  //while loop to check up
      checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		checky = checky + sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'w')
			wrongmove = wrongmove +1;
			valid = TRUE;
			a1 = a;
			fary = checky;
    }while ((checky > centery - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
		 if (valid == TRUE)
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
			floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
			circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
			floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
			array[a][b] = 'b';
			//filling in array
			for (int f = a1; f <= a; ++f)
				array[f][b] = 'b';
			//filling in other circles
			for (checky = fary; checky <= selecty; checky = checky + sqsize)
				floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;
   if (checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize)
      //while loop to check up diagonally left
   checky = checky - sqsize;
   checkx = checkx - sqsize;
    if (array[a][b] == 'b')
     checky = checky + sqsize;
     checkx = checkx + sqsize;
     if (array[a][b] == 'w')
       valid = TRUE;
      wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
      a1 = a;
      b1 = b;
      farx = checkx;
      fary = checky;
    } while ((checkx > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
		 if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in other circles

	      for (int f = b; f >= b1; --f)
		array[a][f] = 'b';
		a = a-1;
		for (checkx = selectx; checkx >= farx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)

		floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		checky = checky - sqsize;
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

  if ((checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&
     (checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize))
  checkx = checkx + sqsize;
  checky = checky - sqsize;
    if (array[a][b] == 'b')
    checkx = checkx - sqsize;
    checky = checky + sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	 valid = TRUE;
	a1 = a;
	b1 = b;
	farx = checkx;
	fary = checky;
	wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
  }while ((checkx < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
	 if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in other circles
	      for (int f = b; f <= b1; ++f)
		array[a][f] = 'b';
		a = a-1;
		for (checkx = selectx; checkx <= farx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
		floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		checky = checky - sqsize;

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

   if ((checkx - 2*sqsize > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&
      (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize))
   checkx = checkx - sqsize;
   checky = checky + sqsize;
    if (array[a][b] == 'b')
     checkx = checkx + sqsize;
     checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		valid = TRUE;
		a1 =a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
   } while ((checky < centery + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
	if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in array
	      for (int f = a; f <= a1; ++f)
		array[f][b] = 'b';
		b = b-1;
	      //filling in circles
	       for (checkx = selectx; checkx >= farx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)
		 floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		 checky = checky + sqsize;
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

  if ((checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&
     (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize))
  //while loop to check down diagonally right
  checkx = checkx + sqsize;
  checky = checky + sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'b')
	checkx = checkx - sqsize;
	checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		a1 = a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
		valid = TRUE;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
  }while ((checky < centery + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'w')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'b';
	      //filling in array
	      for (int f = a; f <= a1; ++f)
		array[f][b] = 'b';
		b = b+1;
	      //fillingi n circles
		 for (checkx = selectx; checkx <= farx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
	       floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
	       checky = checky + sqsize;
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
blackcount = 0;
whitecount = 0;

if (wrongmove == 0)
  //fill in the selected square green
  setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
  floodfill(selectx+sqsize/2 - 2, selecty+ sqsize/2 - 2, LIGHTGREEN);

  for(a = 1; a <= 6; ++a)
	 for (b = 1; b <= 6; ++b)
	 if (array[a][b] == 'b')
	 blackcount = blackcount + 1;
	 if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	 whitecount = whitecount +1;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
rectangle(580, 90, 620, 150);
floodfill(590, 110, LIGHTGREEN);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
floodfill(590, 110, BLACK);

 outtextxy(480, 100, "Black chips: ");
 gotoxy(75, 7);
 cout << blackcount;
outtextxy(480, 120, "White chips: ");
gotoxy(75, 8);
cout << whitecount;
rectangle(0, 130, 50, 250);
floodfill(2, 150, BLUE);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
floodfill(2, 150, BLUE);
rectangle(0, 130, 50, 250);
if (checkx == centerx - sqsize/2)
b = 3;

if (checkx == centerx - sqsize/2 - sqsize)
b = 2;

if (checkx == centerx - sqsize/2 - 2*sqsize)
b = 1;

if (checkx == centerx + sqsize/2)
b = 4;

if (checkx == centerx + sqsize/2 + sqsize)
b = 5;

if (checkx == centerx + sqsize/2 + 2*sqsize)
b = 6;

if (checky == centery - sqsize/2)
a = 3;

if (checky == centery - sqsize/2 - sqsize)
a = 2;

if (checky == centery - sqsize/2 - 2*sqsize)
a = 1;

if (checky == centery + sqsize/2)
a = 4;

if (checky == centery + sqsize/2 + sqsize)
a = 5;

if (checky == centery + sqsize/ 2 + 2*sqsize)
a = 6;

//beginning highlighted square
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
highlightx = centerx + sqsize - 2;
highlighty = centery - sqsize +2;
floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
rectangle(0, 0, 640, 40);
floodfill(2, 2, BLACK);
outtextxy(10, 10, "Black player, please highlight the square you would like to place");
outtextxy(10, 30, "your chip in. Enter 'S' when the proper square is selected. Enter 'X' to Exit.");
outtextxy(10, 10, "White player, please highlight the square you would like to place");
outtextxy(10, 30, "your chip in. Press Enter when the proper square is selected. Enter 'X' to Exit.");

  gotoxy(1, 10);
  key = getch();

	//direction commands
	if ((key == 72)&&(highlighty - sqsize > centery - sqsize * 3))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlighty = highlighty - sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 80)&&(highlighty + sqsize < centery + sqsize * 3))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlighty = highlighty + sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 77)&&(highlightx + sqsize < centerx + 3 * sqsize))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlightx = highlightx + sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

	if ((key == 75)&&(highlightx - sqsize > centerx - 3*sqsize))
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);
	highlightx = highlightx - sqsize;
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
	floodfill(highlightx, highlighty, LIGHTGREEN);

  }while ((key != 13)&&(key != 120));
  if (key == 120)
  tcount = 6;
  count = 3;
      selectx = highlightx + 2 - sqsize/2;
      selecty = highlighty - 2 + sqsize/2;
      checkx = selectx;
      checky = selecty;
      wrongmove = 0;

valid = FALSE;

   if (array[a][b] == 'g')

    if (checkx - 2*sqsize > centerx - 3 *sqsize)
	  //checking left for validity
	 checkx = checkx - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		checkx = checkx + sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'b')
			valid = TRUE;
			b1 = b;
			farx = checkx;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
      } while ((checkx > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;

	      if (valid == TRUE)
	      circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
	      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
	      floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
	      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
	      floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
	      array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in other circles
		for (int f = b1; f <= b; ++f)
			array[a][f] = 'w';
	      //filling in the board
		for (checkx = farx; checkx <= selectx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

    if (checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)
    //while loop to check right for validity
	 checkx = checkx + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		checkx = checkx - sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'b')
			valid = TRUE;
			b1 = b;
			farx = checkx;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
      }while ((checkx < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;

	      if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);


		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in the array
			for (int f = b1; f >= b; --f)
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
			array[a][f] = 'w';
	     //filling in the board
		for (checkx = farx; checkx >= selectx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)
			floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
	     // for (a = 1; a<= 6; ++a)
	     //	{
	     //	for (b = 1; b <= 6; ++b)
	     //	cout << array[a][b] << " ";
	     //	cout << endl;
	      //	}
checky = selecty;
checkx = selectx;
valid = FALSE;

   if (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize)
   //while loop to check down for validity
	checky = checky + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		checky = checky - sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'b')
			valid = TRUE;
			a1 = a;
			fary = checky;
			wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
   }while ((checky < centery + 3 * sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

 checkx = selectx;
 checky = selecty;
	    if (valid == TRUE)
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in array
			for (int f = a1; f >= a; --f)
				array[f][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in circles
			for (checky = fary; checky >= selecty; checky = checky - sqsize)
				floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checky = selecty;
checkx = selectx;
valid = FALSE;

   if (checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize)
  //while loop to check up
      checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'w')
		checky = checky + sqsize;
			if (array[a][b] == 'b')
			wrongmove = wrongmove +1;
			valid = TRUE;
			a1 = a;
			fary = checky;
    }while ((checky > centery - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
		 if (valid == TRUE)
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
			floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
			circle(selectx, selecty, radius);
			setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
			floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
			array[a][b] = 'w';
			//filling in array
			for (int f = a1; f <= a; ++f)
				array[f][b] = 'w';
			//filling in other circles
			for (checky = fary; checky <= selecty; checky = checky + sqsize)
				floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;
   if ((checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize)&&
      (checkx - 2*sqsize > centerx - 3*sqsize))
      //while loop to check up diagonally left
   checky = checky - sqsize;
   checkx = checkx - sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	 checky = checky + sqsize;
	 checkx = checkx + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		valid = TRUE;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
		a1 = a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
    } while ((checkx > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
		 if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in other circles

	      for (int f = b; f >= b1; --f)
		array[a][f] = 'w';
		a = a-1;
		for (checkx = selectx; checkx >= farx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)

		floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		checky = checky - sqsize;
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

  if ((checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&
     (checky - 2*sqsize > centery - 3*sqsize))
  checkx = checkx + sqsize;
  checky = checky - sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	checkx = checkx - sqsize;
	checky = checky + sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		valid = TRUE;
		a1 = a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
  }while ((checkx < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
	 if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in other circles
	      for (int f = b; f <= b1; ++f)
		array[a][f] = 'w';
		a = a-1;
		for (checkx = selectx; checkx <= farx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
		floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		checky = checky - sqsize;
	       //	for (checkx = farx; checkx <= farx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
		   //	{
	       //	checky = checky - sqsize;
	       //	floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
	       //	}
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

   if ((checkx - 2*sqsize > centerx - 3*sqsize)&&
      (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize))
   checkx = checkx - sqsize;
   checky = checky + sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	 checkx = checkx + sqsize;
	checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		valid = TRUE;
		a1 =a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
   } while ((checky < centery + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in array
	      for (int f = a; f <= a1; ++f)
		array[f][b] = 'w';
		b = b-1;
	      //filling in circles
	       for (checkx = selectx; checkx >= farx; checkx = checkx - sqsize)
		 floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
		 checky = checky + sqsize;
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
valid = FALSE;

  if ((checkx + 2*sqsize < centerx + 3*sqsize)&&
     (checky + 2*sqsize < centery + 3*sqsize))
  //while loop to check down diagonally right
  checkx = checkx + sqsize;
  checky = checky + sqsize;
	if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	checkx = checkx - sqsize;
	checky = checky - sqsize;
		if (array[a][b] == 'b')
		a1 = a;
		b1 = b;
		farx = checkx;
		fary = checky;
		valid = TRUE;
		wrongmove = wrongmove + 1;
  }while ((checky < centery + 3*sqsize)&&(array[a][b] == 'b')&&(valid == FALSE));

checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
if (valid == TRUE)
		circle(selectx, selecty, radius);

		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
		floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
		floodfill(selectx, selecty, LIGHTGREEN);
		array[a][b] = 'w';
	      //filling in array
	      for (int f = a; f <= a1; ++f)
		array[f][b] = 'w';
		b = b+1;
	      //fillingi n circles
		 for (checkx = selectx; checkx <= farx; checkx = checkx + sqsize)
	       floodfill(checkx, checky, LIGHTGREEN);
	       checky = checky + sqsize;
}	       }
checkx = selectx;
checky = selecty;
blackcount = 0;
whitecount = 0;

if (wrongmove == 0)
    //fill in the selected square green
  setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN);
  floodfill(selectx + sqsize/2 - 2, selecty+ sqsize/2 -2, LIGHTGREEN);

  for(a = 1; a <= 6; ++a)
     for (b = 1; b <= 6; ++b)
     if (array[a][b] == 'b')
	 blackcount = blackcount + 1;
     if (array[a][b] == 'w')
	 whitecount = whitecount +1;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE);
rectangle(580, 90, 620, 150);

floodfill(590, 110, LIGHTGREEN);
// getch();
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
floodfill(590, 110, BLACK);
 outtextxy(480, 100, "Black chips: ");
 gotoxy(75, 7);
 cout << blackcount;
outtextxy(480, 120, "White chips: ");
gotoxy(75, 8);
cout << whitecount;

rectangle(0, 130, 50, 250);
floodfill(2, 150, BLUE);
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
floodfill(2, 150, BLUE);
rectangle(0, 130, 50, 250);

done = 'Y';
wrongmove = 0;
direction = 'U';
 wrongmove = 0;
 count = 1;
 tcount = 1;
 while ((wrongmove == 0)&&(count <= 3))
  count = count + 1;
  tcount = tcount + 1;
  count = 1;
  wrongmove = 0;
 if ((blackcount + whitecount < 36)&&(direction != 'X'))
 while ((wrongmove == 0)&&(count <=3))
 count = count +1;
 tcount = tcount +1;

if ((tcount >= 6)&&(direction != 'X'))

outtextxy(10, 200, "Are there any");
outtextxy(10, 210, "valid moves left?");
gotoxy(2, 15);
cin >> done;
  if ((done == 'Y')||(done == 'y'))
  outtextxy(10, 200, "Are there any");
  outtextxy(10, 210, "valid moves left?");
  gotoxy(2, 15);
  cout << done;
done = toupper(done);
}while ((blackcount + whitecount < 36)&&(done != 'N')&&(blackcount != 0)&&(whitecount !=0)&&(direction != 'X'));
if (direction != 'X')
gotoxy(30, 10);
cout << "Way to go ";
if (blackcount > whitecount)
cout << play1 << "!" << endl;
if (whitecount > blackcount)
cout << play2 << "!" << endl;
settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 3);
  outtextxy(120, 155, "You're the Othello Champ!");
circle(150, 300, 50);
circle(300, 300, 50);
circle(450, 300, 50);
    if(blackcount > whitecount)
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
    floodfill(150, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(450, 300, WHITE);
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
    floodfill(150, 300, BLACK);
    circle(150, 300, 50);
    floodfill(300, 300, BLACK);
     circle(300, 300, 50);


    floodfill(450, 300, BLACK);
    circle(450, 300, 50);
    if (whitecount > blackcount)
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
    floodfill(150, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(450, 300, WHITE);
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
    floodfill(150, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(300, 300, WHITE);
    floodfill(450, 300, WHITE);


It also has two included files, apstring.inc and bool.h --I found the bool.h and an apstring.h on the disk as well, and those look like this:

#ifndef _APSTRING_H
#define _APSTRING_H

#include <iostream.h>
// uncomment line below if bool not built-in type
#include "bool.h"

// *******************************************************************
//  Last Revised: 8/14/98
//                corrected comments
//  6/29/98 - commented out the #include "bool.h", dhj
//  APCS string class
//  string class consistent with a subset of the standard C++ string class
//  as defined in the draft ANSI standard
// *******************************************************************

extern const int npos;  // used to indicate not a position in the string

class apstring

  // constructors/destructor

    apstring( );                         // construct empty string ""
    apstring( const char * s );          // construct from string literal
    apstring( const apstring & str );      // copy constructor
    ~apstring( );                        // destructor

  // assignment

    const apstring & operator = ( const apstring & str ); // assign str
    const apstring & operator = ( const char * s );       // assign s
    const apstring & operator = ( char ch );              // assign ch

  // accessors

    int    length( )                  const;    // number of chars
    int    find( const apstring & str ) const;  // index of first occurrence of str
    int    find( char ch )            const;    // index of first occurrence of ch
    apstring substr( int pos, int len ) const;    // substring of len chars
                                                // starting at pos
    const char * c_str( )             const;    // explicit conversion to char *

  // indexing

    char   operator[ ]( int k )       const;    // range-checked indexing
    char & operator[ ]( int k );                // range-checked indexing

  // modifiers

    const apstring & operator += ( const apstring & str );// append str
    const apstring & operator += ( char ch );            // append char

      int myLength;                     // length of string (# of characters)
      int myCapacity;                   // capacity of string
      char * myCstring;                 // storage for characters

// The following free (non-member) functions operate on strings
// I/O functions

ostream & operator << ( ostream & os, const apstring & str );
istream & operator >> ( istream & is, apstring & str );
istream & getline( istream & is, apstring & str );

// comparison operators:

bool operator == ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
bool operator != ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
bool operator <  ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
bool operator <= ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
bool operator >  ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
bool operator >= ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );

// concatenation operator +

apstring operator + ( const apstring & lhs, const apstring & rhs );
apstring operator + ( char ch, const apstring & str );
apstring operator + ( const apstring & str, char ch );

// *******************************************************************
// Specifications for string functions
// Any violation of a function's precondition will result in an error
// message followed by a call to assert.
// The apstring class assumes that '\0' is not a valid
// character in an apstring. Any attempts to place '\0'
// in an apstring will result in undefined behavior. Generally
// this means that characters that follow the '\0' will not
// be considered part of the apstring for purposes of
// comparison, output, and subsequent copying.
// constructors / destructor
// string( )
//    postcondition: string is empty
// string( const char * s )
//    description:   constructs a string object from a literal string
//                   such as "abcd"
//    precondition:  s is '\0'-terminated string as used in C
//    postcondition: copy of s has been constructed
// string( const string & str )
//    description:   copy constructor
//    postcondition: copy of str has been constructed
// ~string( );
//    description:   destructor
//    postcondition: string is destroyed
// assignment
// string & operator = ( const string & rhs )
//    postcondition: normal assignment via copying has been performed
// string & operator = ( const char * s )
//    description:   assignment from literal string such as "abcd"
//    precondition:  s is '\0'-terminated string as used in C
//    postcondition: assignment via copying of s has been performed
// string & operator = ( char ch )
//    description:   assignment from character as though single char string
//    postcondition: assignment of one-character string has been performed
// accessors
// int length( ) const;
//    postcondition: returns # of chars in string
// int find( const string & str)  const;
//    description:   find the first occurrence of the string str within this
//                   string and return the index of the first character.  If
//                   str does not occur in this string, then return npos.
//    precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
//                   str represents s0, s1, ...,s(m-1)
//    postcondition: if s0 == ck0, s1 == ck1, ..., s(m-1) == ck(m-1) and
//                   there is no j < k0 such that s0 = cj, ...., sm == c(j+m-1),
//                   then returns k0;
//                   otherwise returns npos
// int find( char ch ) const;
//    description:   finds the first occurrence of the character ch within this
//                   string and returns the index.  If ch does not occur in this
//                   string, then returns npos.
//    precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
//    postcondition: if ch == ck, and there is no j < k such that ch == cj
//                   then returns k;
//                   otherwise returns npos
// string substr( int pos, int len ) const;
//    description:   extract and return the substring of length len starting
//                   at index pos
//    precondition:  this string represents c0, c1, ..., c(n-1)
//                         0 <= pos <= pos + len - 1 < n.
//    postcondition: returns the string that represents
//                   c(pos), c(pos+1), ..., c(pos+len-1)
// const char * c_str( ) const;
//    description:   convert string into a '\0'-terminated string as
//                   used in C for use with functions
//                   that have '\0'-terminated string parameters.
//    postcondition: returns the equivalent '\0'-terminated string
// indexing
// char operator [ ]( int k ) const;
//    precondition:  0 <= k < length()
//    postcondition: returns copy of the kth character
// char & operator [ ]( int k )
//    precondition:  0 <= k < length()
//    postcondition: returns reference to the kth character
//    note:          if this reference is used to write a '\0'
//                   subsequent results are undefined
// modifiers
// const string & operator += ( const string & str )
//    postcondition: concatenates a copy of str onto this string
// const string & operator += ( char ch )
//    postcondition: concatenates a copy of ch onto this string
// non-member functions
// ostream & operator << ( ostream & os, const string & str)
//    postcondition: str is written to output stream os
// istream & operator >> ( istream & is, string & str )
//    precondition:  input stream is open for reading
//    postcondition: the next string from input stream is has been read
//                   and stored in str
// istream & getline( istream & is, string & str )
//    description:   reads a line from input stream is into the string str
//    precondition:  input stream is open for reading
//    postcondition: chars from input stream is up to '\n' have been read
//                   and stored in str; the '\n' has been read but not stored
// string operator + ( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
//    postcondition: returns concatenation of lhs with rhs
// string operator + ( char ch, const string & str )
//    postcondition: returns concatenation of ch with str
// string operator + ( const string & str, char ch )
//    postcondition: returns concatenation of str with ch


/ Library file: bool.h

// Defines Boolean constants and a type name for any application.

#ifndef BOOL_H

#undef FALSE
#undef TRUE

const int FALSE = 0;
const int TRUE = 1;

typedef int bool;

#define BOOL_H

Thank you for any input!

Apart from slapping "using namespace std ;" at the start of your 1500 line program, what else have YOU done?

I would suggest you stop looking at this for a while (or ever again), and learn some modern C++ design, and then a modern graphics API.

For example, your next attempt should work harder at separating "game logic" from "display". You've got everything lumped together in one huge class.

If you had a separate Display class, you could save yourself a whole bunch of work by having
as all being incremental improvements in the display, and all the while othello.cpp remains blissfully unaware of what's going on at a detailed level on the display side.

Read the information on the web page below very carefully, and then you can get started by upgrading your code to more decent C++ code.


Thanks, this looks like exactly what I need to get started. Very helpful.

Salem -- ouch man :( Teach liked it back in the day but I guess things have changed.....I did take a "modern C++" class last semester, but it didn't include graphics or classes, just pretty basic control structures. So I was hoping to actually get out the old stuff and learn from it, but I guess there's no point.

So start with what you know now, and make a better design.

Basic 1:1 substitutions of your 10 year old code might make it run, but it will still look like 10 year old code when you're done.

Sooner or later, all code reaches it's "compile by" date, at which point the only sensible thing to do is freeze it "as is" and start again.

Sure, you can read it for some good ideas to see if they're still relevant, but to actually edit it to make it work - that's probably not a good idea.

commented: Good advice :) +12
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