I would like to get assistance on how to retrieve data from MS SQL database to view it on a listbox.In my db i have two columns.

I would like to get assistance on how to retrieve data from MS SQL database to view it on a listbox.In my db i have two columns.

Hi khuks,

You may use ExecuteReader to retrieve the data from the database..

I would like to get assistance on how to retrieve data from MS SQL database to view it on a listbox.In my db i have two columns.

VB.Net Syntax
Dim mycon As SqlConnection
Dim mycmd As SqlCommand
Dim myquery As String = ""

mycon = New SqlConnection(" . . . ")
myquery = ("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE")

mycmd = New SqlCommand(myquery,mycon)

Dim dr as SqlDataReader

dr = mycmd.ExecuteReader

While dr.Read

Listbox1.items.add(dr.GetString(0)) ' GetString(0) returns data from first column from the result of ur query..
ListBox2.add(dr.GetString(1)) ' Use GetString if item is String, If int then GetInt32 , etc...

End While

I have tried this code and now its just showing a blank listbox

Dim Adp as new SqlDataAdapter("select eno,ename from emp","Data source=......your_connection_string")
Dim Dt as new DataTable

ListBox1.DisplayMember=Dt.Columns(0).ColumnName '0 for the eno - first column
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