I'm coding in C# and my project suddenly doesn't load the localized strings anymore.

  • the language in use is written in a ini file
  • the localized strings are contained in projectname.resources.dll in the it-IT/ (for italian) folder located where the executable is
  • the projectname.resources.dll is aligned with the last version of the exe file
  • the culture is well setted (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture and Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture return the right CultureInfo)

Any idea on what's wrong?
Is there a way to debug the strings loading and understand why the strings are still in the default language (en)?

I don't know which compiler you are using but maybe you have to show compiler some specific path for example adding to project References in visual studio.

This was just a guess, i am waiting for your reply if it is succeeded.

I'm using VS2005 and the dll is realized using SDL Passolo (the localization tool used in my company). It should work just placing it in the folded mentioned before.

Anyway, I just tried to reference the resources dll but doesn't work.

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