#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
   int a, result, factorial(a);
   cout << "please enter a number ";
   cin >> a;
   cout << factorial(a);

	for(a=1; a>0; a--)
		   factorial *=a;
       return 0;

Just wondering if you felt like reading the intro threads, and HOW TO POST CODE anytime whilst waiting for an answer.

Code isn't make much sense either. You define factorial as a function but then you multiply 1 and 0 to it like a variable!

And Please help doesn't state the problem. Your code is obviously flawed but we really don't know what the problem you are having is, and exactly what your assignement was!

He already stated his question, "please can any1 help fix this...... ", and I think it's fair we answer it... Yes we can fix this. Hope I was able to help you, xfreebornx. :P

factorial function:

in factorial(int x) {
int t;

for(t = x; t >-;t++)
     x = x*t;

return x;

I hope you read into function calling and creation.

commented: 1. Wrong approach to help - do not throws code. 2. Source code in post #5 - is it compiled & executed? -2

Lets see what you are doing :

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a, result, factorial(a);  //declare 'a' as an int
                                            //declare 'result 'as an int
                                           //declare 'factorial' as in int, initialized to
                                           //the value of 'a' which is ? junk...
cout << "please enter a number ";  //ask user for input
cin >> a; //read in the input
cout << factorial(a);    //display factorial(a) ??? I assume you believe
                                   //that factorial is defined in cmath, which is                                                
                                  //not, and if you do then why were you declaring it as a variable?

for(a=1; a>0; a--) //start a loop from a = 1 until a <=0, which means
                            //this loop will only execute once 
   factorial *=a;  //now take the variable functions thingy and
                          //multiply it by a, which is 1 , which means the
                         //variable function thingy has not changed
return 0; //return success, as if it were.
commented: No need to this post - See OP's post #1. He/She has missed code tags. -2
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