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please teach me how to play music by using dev c++.please...

well that's a bit vague.

What do you know already?
- I've heard about dev-c++ and apparently it's the thing to use
- I've written "hello world" for the console
- I've written "hello world" as a win32 GUI
- I know how to create simple classes
- I know some things about the STL
- I've done a bit of Win32 programming
- your turn

Look's like you'll need an audio library.

Member Avatar for nuar046

what i'm already know is just
:know to use the control sequence of dev c++
:know to use the system csl of dev c++
know to choose the libarary of dev c+
that all.

If your using c++ , the command cout<<"\a"; makes a beep. You can
be creative.

If you are using windows, you can use beep(...), and adjust
the frequency and the length of the tone. You can be creative.

what i'm already know is just
:know to use the control sequence of dev c++
:know to use the system csl of dev c++
know to choose the libarary of dev c+
that all.

I don't know what any of these three things are and which is specific to Dev C++ and which aren't. What's the "library of dev c++"?

What are the answers to Salem's questions and what do you want the program to do?


And if you can't use that, you may want to take a class or two on programming...

Member Avatar for nuar046

yea that beep,i also know that
but the problem is when i click project option,i choose libwinmm.a
and what i do next?(i already make a new project).

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