Hi , i want to learn programming for android , so i download android sdk 1.5 and netbeans plugin . i have a problem when i run program that i Have written emulator not shown !!! and this message shown : select device
please help me , what i should do ???
>> i use linux ubuntu 9.04 <<

Android plugin for NetBeans is unreliable and so far I know they still on SDK 1.0. You better of with Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA as both support SDK 1.5

i download andorid-sdk-linux_x86-1.5_r3 and extract it ,then cd to tools in the android directory then double click on emulator but absolutely nothing happen !!!

Sorry dude. I gave you best advice, but if you insist on using NetBeans there is no helping you...

Hi my friend , i do your recommended , it`s worked and netbeans emulator correctly worked too !!! I understand that my probleam was android virtual Device !!!
Here is probleam i can`t set the setting of vitual Device manualy with out eclipse ?!?!

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