Hello all,
I am implementing linked list programs in C. And for that i want to know more about Self Referential Structure in C. If anyone knows more detail information about it then please tell me.

I am having one example here which helps you to understand more clearly what i want to mean.

struct list
  int no;
  struct list *next;

Please help me on the same.

Compound literals
C99 added compound literals, is based on the brace-enclosed initializer syntax. The motivation for adding this feature to C99 was its notational conciseness, convenience, and usefulness, rather than an abstract desire to make struct a first class type.
Sample - 1

#include <stdio.h>
// compound literals.
struct data
   int a;
   float b;
int main()
  struct data t={10,10.20f};
  t=(struct data){30};
  printf("\n%d  %f",t.a,t.b);  // 30  0.000000
  t=(struct data){.b=22.22f};  
  printf("\n%d  %f",t.a,t.b);   // 0  22.219999
 return 0;

Sample - 2

#include <stdio.h>
// compound literals.
struct data{
   int a;
   struct data *ptr;
int main()
  struct data p=(struct data){.a=10,.ptr=&(struct data){.a=20,.ptr=NULL}};
  printf("\n%d  %d",p.a,p.ptr->a);
 return 0;

Sample - 3

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
 int *p;
 p=(int []){22,33,44,55};
 return 0;

Draft of the C99 standard with corrigenda TC1, TC2, and TC3 included

your structure is linked list
each element in the linked list have pointer to the next element in the list

struct list
	int value;
	struct list *next;

struct list *first = (struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list));	//pointer to the first element in the list
first = first->next;		//set the pointer to the second element in the list, using pointer in first node

struct list *firstNode = (struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
struct list *secondNode = firstNode->next;
struct list *thirdNode = secondNode->next; //or firstNode->next->next

I never liked the term "Self Referential Structure" because it implies that objects of the structure always refer to themselves. A self referential structure is better called a recursive structure. If the pointer is not NULL, it points to another instance of the structure. The null pointer is a base case for recursion. You can print a list recursively as an example of the relationship between self referential structures and recursion:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Node
    int item;
    struct Node *next;
} Node;

void RecursiveTraverse(Node const* head);

int main()
    /* manually define a list for the example */
    Node listBase[] = 
        {0, NULL},
        {1, NULL},
        {2, NULL},
        {3, NULL},
    size_t const sz = sizeof listBase / sizeof *listBase;

        /* set all links but the last node */
        size_t x;
        for (x = 0; x < sz - 1; ++x)
            listBase[x].next = &listBase[x + 1];

    /* run example of recursive structure */

    return 0;

void RecursiveTraverse(Node const* head)
    /* null pointer is the base case */
    if (!head) return;

    printf("%d\n", head->item);

If the pointer points to the same object, it is a circular reference that represents infinite recursion because there is no base case:

Node circular = {0, NULL};

circular.next = &circular; /* now a circular reference */

Circular references are usually a bad thing unless you have some logic in place to resolve it into a base case. Ring buffers are a good example of that kind of resolution, if you are interested in learning more.

here list is a structure
having data of integer type with variable "no"
and a pointer which is refering to structure of same type list
hence called self referential structure.......

Ummmm self refrential structure is basically nothing but referring to a structure of its own type.

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;

In the code above , a pointer is used . Pointer is used for storing either a valid address or NULL.
here next is a pointer which will store some address which is of struct node type .
for eg.
in the code:-

int a=5;
int *b;

b is a pointer which will store the address of any integer data.
similarly with *next , it will store the adress of that element whose memory block have an integer space and a space for storing of address of struct node type.

hey dont make negative reputation or voting, I didn't see the post is 3 yrs old, from the next time I will sure keep this thing in mind.

    /*  self referenial structure is nothing but pointing to the same type, in more detial *Pointing to itself* rather rather than same type,  */

  struct think {

  struct think *somepointer; /* pointing to itself "think type structure" i.e.. self referential structure */
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