class A
int a[10];
char name[10];
void read();
void display();
void A::read()
cout<<"enter rno name";
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
void A::display()
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
//int A::count;
A x;

here i need to read 3 rollnumbers and 3 names
and print the same.
but am getting only the last name for all rollnumbers
how could i code to get individual name for every rno.

1) use code tags!
2) include<iostream> instead of <iostream.h>
3) don't use conio.h (replace getch() with cin.get(); )
4) prefix cin and cout with std::

Your class only allows one name, you need to define an array of 3 names and then use it as an array in the methods:

class A
    int a[3];
    char name[3][20];
    void read();
    void display();
void A::read()
    cout<<"enter rno name";
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
void A::display()
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

<iostream.h> is an old header that new compilers might not recognize. This is a real problem. My compiler barfs on your code because <iostream.h> is not supported anymore. If you use an old compiler that does not support the new headers, you are selling yourself short and cannot learn the best parts of C++. If you use a compiler that supports both old and new headers, start using the new ones because the old ones are being phased out at warp speed. ;)

char name[10];

This is where the new C++ library can help you. Instead of using arrays of char for strings, you can use the C++ string class and working with strings gets a whole lot easier when you start to get into dynamic sizing and common string operations:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class A
    int a[3];
    std::string name[3];
    void read();
    void display();

void A::read()
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        std::cout << "enter rno name: ";
        std::cin >> a[i] >> name[i];

void A::display()
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        std::cout << a[i] << ' ' << name[i] << '\n';

int main()
    A x;


C++ does not support implicit int. If you want your code to be compilable on another compiler, you need to specify the int explicitly:

int main()
    // add an explicit return for nonstandard compilers
    return 0;

Thank u so much....for ur response....

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