How to compute surface area of an object?

Write a program that computes the surface area of an object. The user will choose a circle, rectangle or triangle. The program will prompt the user for the values needed (radius, 2 sides or base & height), then show the answer.


€ include one function to describe what the program is for (to be shown to the user when the program first runs)

€ use one function for input the shape desired (‘c’ ‘r’ or ‘t’)

€ set up one function for each type of computation (one function for area of a circle, one function for area of a rectangle and one function for area of a square)

€ include one function for output of the answer

As much as we'd love to help you cheat (not really), piss off. We help people who are willing to put in some effort, not people looking for a quick and easy answer.

As much as we'd love to help you cheat (not really), piss off. We help people who are willing to put in some effort, not people looking for a quick and easy answer.

i had missed this style of yours.
Recently Kerry King - Slayer's lead guitar player, signed me his poster and we had a photo together. Since that day, i feel like i am a new person. I am inspired. And then i thought about having you sign some code snippet for me. Narue please this time prevent people from attacking my reputation points. If i can have a photo together with my favorite guitar player, why cant i have a photo with my favorite coder?? Think this way; if i have a photo with you, i will produce better code and help more people. Because of you my reputation points reset 3 times when it was above 100, this time i think i dont expect something crazy, so i hope it is going to remain intact.

commented: I agree make sure it's a wet t-shirt photograph. +22
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