I'm having this error: type mismatch.. i dont actually get/understand the error.. i think the error is in the WHERE clause [tblUserAccount].[UserID].. the field [UserID] is set to a data type Autonumber, and the roleUserID is set as integer..
Global rolesDbs as new adodb.connection
Global rolesRs as new adodb.recordset
rolesDbs.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " & App.Path & "\library.mdb;MODE=ReadWrite"
rolesDbs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set rolesRs.ActiveConnection = rolesDbs
rolesRs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rolesRs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rolesRs.Source = "SELECT [tblRoles].[UserID], [tblRoles].[Role] " & _
"FROM [tblUserAccount] INNER JOIN [tblRoles] ON ([tblUserAccount].[UserID] = [tblRoles].[UserID]) " & _
"WHERE [tblUserAccount].[UserID] = " + roleUserID + ""
rolesRs.Open , rolesDbs, , , adCmdText
help me out here please.. thanks