i have installed mysql , and JDK . I wrote the following code to test jdbc . But it didnt work

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      System.out.println("Good to go");
    } catch (Exception E) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver error");  

its printing
JDBC Driver error

But when i script in PhP , i can connect and store in db using MySQL.

Did you downloaded Connector/J and pointed your IDE or set a CLASSPATH to location of this JAR file?

Try including E.printStackTrace(); as well. You are discarding the more detailed info from the exception.

I agree with Peter though. You probably don't have that jar on your classpath.

as far as i know, mysql driver class is "mysql.jdbc.Driver" without "root" as in your code,
and you don't have to call newInstance() method,
try to change your code like this:

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      System.out.println("Good to go");
    } catch (Exception E) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver error");  


Did you downloaded Connector/J and pointed your IDE or set a CLASSPATH to location of this JAR file?

Well is it a kinda of config we have to do to establish the connection.
I thought there wasnt any thing else to do

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