Can someone help me? I am looking to access the properties of system tray processes in Windows. An example of what I am looking to do might be to maximize an application that has been minimized to the system tray? Can I do this in Visual Basic or VB script based

Can someone help me? I am looking to access the properties of system tray processes in Windows. An example of what I am looking to do might be to maximize an application that has been minimized to the system tray? Can I do this in Visual Basic or VB script based

Are you trying to manipulate someone else's program that is in the tray, with your program, or are you trying to make your program go to the tray!? If you could give a better or detailed description of what you want to accomplish, I'll be able to give you better assistance. The simple answer, is Yes you can.... and I'd be glad to help you with it.

I am trying to access my application which sits in the systray. I am writing a test script, for testing this application.I dont want to manually click and open the properties, so I am looking at a VB script based access.

Hope this clears your doubt. Please help me out in accessing the systray icons


I am trying to access my application which sits in the systray. I am writing a test script, for testing this application.I dont want to manually click and open the properties, so I am looking at a VB script based access.

Hope this clears your doubt. Please help me out in accessing the systray icons


I'm still a little confused. The application that sits in the tray. Did you write it? Is it your code? If not, what is the program?

I am doing test automation. Its a propreitery application that sits on the systray, as soon as it gets started. What I need to do is open/invoke that application. For example, think of gmail notifier. This application gets to the system tray as soon as it is launched. I can click and then get a menu, where I can click on options to get the options window. I want to do something similar to this, but programmatically. I should be able to get the options menu without needing to either know the Gmail notifier API or perform a mouse click on it

Hope someone will help me out

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