#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include "account.h"
#include "CharRange.h"
using namespace std;

void displayMenu();
void makeDeposit(Account &);
void withdraw(Account&);

int main()
    Account savings; // account object to model a saving account
    CharRange input('A', 'G')
    char choice;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2);
         choice = input.getChar();
         switch (choice)
                case 'A' : cout << " The current balance is $ " ;
                           cout << savings.getTransactions()
                                << " transactions.\n";
                                break ;
                case 'B' : cout << " There have been " ;
                           cout << " savings.getTransactions () 
                                <<" transactions.\n " ;
                case 'C' : cout << " Interest earned for this period :$ " ;
                           cout <<  savings.getInterest()<< endl ;
                case 'D' : makeDeposit (savings);
                case 'E' : withdraw(savings);
                case 'F' : savings.calcInterest();
                cout << " Interest added.\n ";
    }while (choice!='G');
    return 0 ;
void displayMenu()
     cout << "\n                   Menu\n\n " ; 
     cout << " a) Display the account balance\n ";
     cout << " b) Display the number of transactions\n :";
     cout << " c) Display interest earned for this period\n " ; 
     cout << " d) Make a deposit\n " ; 
     cout << " e) Make a withdrawal\n " ; 
     cout << " f) Add interest for this period \n ";
     cout << " g) Exit the program\n\n "; 
     cout << "Enter your choice : " ; 

void makeDeposit ( Account &account) 
     double dollars;
     cout << " Enter the amount of the deposit: " ;
     cin >> dollars; 
     if (!account.withdraw(dollars))
     cout << " ERROR : Withdrawal amount too large.\n\n " ;

4 C:\Dev-Cpp\main.cpp In file included from main.cpp

i don't know what it means
can anybody help?

Can you be more specific with, "I don't know what it means?"

Are you talking about compiler errors you are getting?:?:

> can anybody help?
not any more

Maybe look at your post, and figure out why half of it seems to be blue (aka, a "string") would be a start.

In common with a lot of your previous attempts, you write a whole mess of code, then wonder why it doesn't compile (due to some trivial syntax problem).

Start small, compile often and test as you go

Repeatedly writing a crap-load of code and dumping it on a message board won't work forever.

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