Thank you for taking the time to help me.
This is a portion of a D-Heap program to run a number of process based on priority level given to each process.
the following are some errors which I'm getting when trying to compile this code(this is a portion of the total code).
I think the errors are related to my definition of template.

dheap.h:3: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of âDheapâ with no type
dheap.h:3: error: explicit instantiation of non-template âint Dheapâ
dheap.h:3: error: expected `;' before â<â token
dheap.h:35: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before â<â token
dheap.h:49: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before â<â token
dheap.h:59: error: expected initializer before â<â token
dheap.h:69: error: expected initializer before â<â token
dheap.h:80: error: expected initializer before â<â token
dheap.h:92: error: expected initializer before â<â token


//#include <iostream>
#define MAX_SIZE 500 // Maximun size of the heap.
template Dheap <class Process>
        Dheap ( int _d = 2 );        //I have included the d value of the heap.
        ~Dheap (void);
        void insert (const Process&); // To insert an element in the heap.
        void deleteMin (void);  // To remove an element in the heap and return it.
        bool IsEmpty(void)const;    // Return true if the heap is empty;otherwise false.
        void ToEmpty ();          // To make the heap empty.
        const Process&  min (void)const;   // To return the smallest key element in the heap.
        bool IsFull(void)const;    // To return true if the heap is full;otherwise false.
        int size()const;
       // int SizeOfHeap;  // (capacity) of the heap.
        Process *arrptr;     // The actual array pointer of the heap.
        int Dvalue;
        int back;
        //void percolateDown (int );


using namespace std;
//#include "dheap.h"

// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: None.
// Notes:A memory allocation.
template <class Process>
Dheap<Porcess>::Dheap(int _d)
//Dheap::Dheap ( int _d )
        Dvalue = _d;

        arrptr = new Process [MAX_SIZE];  // allocating for the new data.
        back = 0;  // position to insert a new element.

// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: None.
// Notes: Deletion when allocation.
template <class Process>
Dheap<Process>::~Dheap (void)
        delete []arrptr;

// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: Bool.
// Notes: To only return true if the heap is empty; otherwise it will be false.
template <class Process>
bool Dheap<Process>::IsEmpty(void) const
        return (back <= 1);   // No elements in the heap therefore its empty.

// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: bool.
// Notes: This function is to check and return true if the heap is full; otherwise,false.
template <class Process>
bool Dheap<Process>::IsFull(void)const
        return (back == 0);


// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: bool.
// Notes: This function is to check and return true if the heap is full; otherwise,false.
template <class Process>
bool Dheap<Process>::IsFull(void)const
        return (back == MAX_SIZE);


// Input: Const integer reference named anumber.
// Output: None.
// Return: None.
// Notes: To insert an element named anumber with changing needed until the heap-order property is satisfy.

template <class Process>
void Dheap<Process>::insert( const Process  & anumber )
      if (IsFull())
             cerr << "You can't add more" << endl;


        arrptr [back  ] = anumber; // To put the value in the heap.
        // The indecies of curr and parent
        int curr = element;  // Because we want to have the current to be in position back
          ++back;                 // and then add it on next time.
      //  int par = curr / Dvalue; // The parent.

       // while ( arrptr [ curr ] < arrptr [ par ] )
      //  {
      //     swap ( arrptr [ curr ] , arrptr [ par ] ); // The swaping occures in here
           // Updating current and parent.
        //   curr = par;
        //   par = curr / Dvalue;

      //  }
          while ((curr >0) && (arrptr[curr]< arrptr[curr-1/Dvalue]))
              int temp = arrptr[(cyrr-1)/Dvalue];
              arrptr[(curr-1/Dvalue)] = arrptr[curr];
              arrptr[curr] = temp;
              curr = (curr -1 )/Dvalue;


// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: Const integer of a reference type.

// Notes:The function is just to return the minmum item in heap,obviously will be found at root.
template <class Process>
const Process &  Dheap<Process>::min(void) const
                    cerr << "Heap's Error, No Elements Therefore, "
                        << "We Can Not Return Any Value!!" << endl;

    return arrptr[0]; // return the smallest item, that is, in the root.

// Input: None.
// Output: None.
// Return: None.
// Notes:To remove the minimum item and place it in the element named minnum.
template <class Process>
void Dheap<Process>::deleteMin( void )
    if (IsEmpty())
        cerr << "Heap's Error< No Elements Therefore, "
            << "WE Can Not Delete The Minimum Element!!" << endl;

    // the array is 1 indexed, so the root is at [1]
  //  --back;
  //  int temp = heap
    arrptr[1] = arrptr[back-1]; // The Removing at the root.
    --back; // remove the last element

    //do the percolating down until the heap-order property is satisfty.
    int curr = 1; // start at the root
    int left = 2; // curr * Dvalue

    while ( left < back )
        // find the smallest valid child
        int small = left;
        for (int i = 0; i < Dvalue; i++)  // For the children of the parent
            if ( ( left + i ) < back &&
                    ( arrptr[ left + i ] < arrptr[ small ] ) )
                small = i; // keep where that child
        // we have the smallest valid child, see if we need to swap
        if ( arrptr [ small ] < arrptr [ curr ] )
            swap( arrptr [ small ] , arrptr [ curr ] );
            // Updating.
            curr = small;
            left = curr * Dvalue;
            left = back;// we are done

Welcome to daniweb.

Please "Edit" your post. Use [code] tag to post source code.

commented: I really hate it when people don't use code tags, for two main reasons: it makes their code 'unreadable', and emotes begin two show up everywhere in their code which lets you figure it all out :P +22
commented: I cannot reply to your PM. PM seems to be blocked for your account. +8

Thanks for replying, I have tried to tag my code as recommended , I select all but could not find # on edit. is there other way to do it.


Ok despite the code tags that you can (a) get from the advanced edit or simply just type them.


Ok you need to remember the syntax of a class has not really changed.


// Non-template class
class A
    void method();

void A::method() { return; }

// Template class [Template is added on top]
template<typename Item>
class B
    void method();
    void methodB() { return; } 

template<typename Item>
void B<Item>::method() { return; }

Note who you add the template part above each method and
as a tag to the class name. That tells the compiler that it is a general instance of B.

The remainder of your errors are basic typos and such. (I haven't run your code so you will have runtime errors I guess.)

just read few articles about template, but still could not figure out what those three error on the same line means. any hint?

dheap.h:3: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of âDheapâ with no type
dheap.h:3: error: explicit instantiation of non-template âint Dheapâ
dheap.h:3: error: expected `;' before â<â token

Is my declaration of the template statement ok?

//#include <iostream>
#define MAX_SIZE 500 // Maximun size of the heap.
template Dheap <class Process>
Dheap ( int _d = 2 ); //I have included the d value of the heap.
~Dheap (void);

NO, it should be :

tempate<typename Process>
Dheap { //code };
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