i am writing an app. for my company that hast to edit regitry entrys on pc in our network. any idea how i can solfe this problem??

I'm not sure if there is a more efficient way to do this, but it seems the best way is to have a server program that runs on all the machines who's registry needs editing. Then, you have a "client" app on the machine/machines that will be actually doing the editing. If it's necessary, you could even make the server app and the client app the same program, and so you only have to fiddle with one .EXE. Anyhow, you have the client app connect to the server app, and pass it a command to do whatever is needed to the registry. If there is a better way to accomplish this task, please post and let me know.

software creates batch files sends them to clients and executes them.... i like my idea and it workes fine

Whatever Works!

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