Ok my script takes a list of files picks out all jpgs and stores it in files[] now the problem is how do I display all thous images in tk gui window below is what i have that works for 1 image how do i make this work for basically an unlimited amount of images.

for file in files[:]:
        image = Image.open(filedir+"/"+file)
        ##((width, height))
        image.thumbnail((160, 240))
        photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
        label = Label(image=photo)
        label.image = image # keep a reference!

        print files

Looks to me like you are creating the same label over and over again.

Ok yeah what would be the right way to set it up for multiply images

would a do something like
count += 1
then lable+(count) = whatever

You could take each labelobject an append it to a list.

Try something like this:

label = list(range(len(files)))
    for k, fname in enumerate(files):
        image = Image.open(filedir+"/"+fname)
        ##((width, height))
        image.thumbnail((160, 240))
        photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
        label[k] = Label(image=photo)
        label[k].image = image # keep a reference!
        #label[k].pack()  # pack when you want to display it

        #print files
    return ...
commented: Thank you so much, I want to display multiple images, but today I have seen you have figured it out 11 years ago, really thank you so much! +0

thanks I was as trying to do image.append and it wasent working

Is this line correct
label[k] = Label(picSet, image=photo)
if earlier in the code
picSet = Tk()

I get TclError: image "pyimage75" doesn't exist

However if i remove picSet it puts large spaces in the root window but no pics showup

label = list(range(len(files)))
    for k, fname in enumerate(files):
        image = Image.open(filedir+"/"+fname)
        ##((width, height))
        image.thumbnail((160, 240))
        photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
        label[k] = Label(picSet, image=photo)
        label[k].image = image # keep a reference!
        label[k].pack()  # pack when you want to display it

in the process of debugging i separated the problem of the script now this gives me the blank spaces in the root window but no images and no errors

from  os import *
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

root = Tk()
root.title("BIEC Picture Viewer")
title = Label(root, text="Select a Set of images")

filedir = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
files = listdir(filedir)
for file in files[:]:
    if(file.split(".")[-1].upper() != 'JPG'):
label = list(range(len(files)))
for k, fname in enumerate(files):
    image = Image.open(filedir+"/"+fname)
    ##((width, height))
    image.thumbnail((160, 240))
    photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
    label[k] = Label(root, image=photo)
    label[k].image = image # keep a reference!
    label[k].pack()  # pack when you want to display it

Some ideas. First, tkinter does not display all image types. I do not think that it will display a JPG but am not sure. Convert some pictures to a gif and see it that works. Second, "file" is a reserved word and so should not be a variable name, Third, you are not iterating through the entire list of files because of the delete in the for loop. Append the names you want to keep to a second list. Also, you don't have to create a list of n elements, just append as you go along (see below). Finally, if you don't know about effbot, it is a good reference. http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/label.htm

label_list = []
for k, fname in enumerate(files):
    image = Image.open(filedir+"/"+fname)
    ##((width, height))
    image.thumbnail((160, 240))
    photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
    this_label = Label(root, image=photo) 
    this_label.pack()  # pack when you want to display it
    label_list.append( this_label )

Ok i see now the reference was being removed thanks for the the script very help full i also like how there is less loops much better than my poor attempt.


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