Im having trouble with this program. I attached a picture of what is required. Thanks for any pointers you guys :)

p.s. I'm very new to this.

how about you give it a go, and see what happens. Try your best first.
Think about this in small steps.

thanks for the pat on the back. ill try my hardest and report with any problems

On top of it your homework image is not readable , post the problem, post your code , else it is not possible to provide any help.

You will need to use output and input


and also if statements to check if the user entered the correct answer.

if( //user input == correct answer)

I hope that can get you started in the right direction.

On top of it your homework image is not readable

What do you mean? Perfectly readable from here. Perhaps you need to buy some glasses! :icon_wink:

hello my name is quila and i need help with my math homework

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