Would this do any damage if I left it running for a while:

int main(){ while(1) new char[0]; }

It seems like you are trying to make a code to send somebody a
harmful .exe.

Therefore I will not tell you.

If i am wrong then say so, trusting you not to lie.

commented: Good Thinking :) +0

Damage? I doubt it. The physical memory would quickly run out, and then your pc would automatically free all the memory you allocated when you restart the pc or somehow close it.

I am in no way trying to send this to someone to harm their computer, I am just curious about what the outcome would be. :)

If you're curious, test it on your own computer :P
I just did, and it did exactly what I said it would.

Thanks for the answer :)

If you're curious, test it on your own computer :P
I just did, and it did exactly what I said it would.

Not really a good idea.

Not really a good idea.

Why not?

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