Can you take a look at this code and see if there is anything obviously wrong with it. It’s just a simple update query to a backend Sybase DB, but it’s not updating and not returning any errors. My updates to an SQL DB are working, so I’m wondering if it’s a Sybase thing…?? The connection to the DB is working as I’ve already retrieved the data for processing in the first place. I’m using Visual Studio 2008. Thanks very much…

Public Function UpdateDap(ByVal ScanLog As Integer, ByVal WFID As Integer) As String
Dim myOdbcConnection As OdbcConnection
Dim myOdbcCommand As OdbcCommand
Dim ra As Integer
myOdbcConnection = New OdbcConnection(DAPConnectionString)
If WFID <> -1 Then
myOdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("sp_set_ew_workflowid", myOdbcConnection)
myOdbcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
myOdbcCommand.Parameters.Add(New OdbcParameter("@tranId", OdbcType.Int, InputString)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
myOdbcCommand.Parameters.Add(New OdbcParameter("@ewId", OdbcType.Int)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
myOdbcCommand.Parameters("@tranId").Value = ScanLog
myOdbcCommand.Parameters("@ewId").Value = WFID
myOdbcCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
ra = myOdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
myOdbcConnection.Close() : myOdbcConnection.Dispose()
Catch ex As Exception
Log("UpdateDap", ex.Message, w)
End Try
End If
Return (ra)
End Function

Please check your stored-procedue.

Public Function UpdateDap(ByVal ScanLog As Integer, ByVal WFID As Integer) As String
        Dim myOdbcConnection As OdbcConnection
        Dim myOdbcCommand As OdbcCommand
        Dim ra As Integer
        myOdbcConnection = New OdbcConnection()
        If WFID <> -1 Then
                myOdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("sp_set_ew_workflowid", myOdbcConnection)
                myOdbcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                myOdbcCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@transId", ScanLog)
                myOdbcCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ewId", WFID)
                myOdbcCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
                ra = myOdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
                myOdbcConnection.Close() : myOdbcConnection.Dispose()
            Catch ex As Exception
                Log("UpdateDap", ex.Message, w)
            End Try
        End If
        Return (ra)
    End Function

The stored procedure is fine. I can Execute it from Interactive SQL using the same paramaters and the DB is updated.

Have you tried stepping through the code in debug mode to make sure the event is actually firing with the expected parameter values and also that "ra" is returning a number stating whether or not any records were actually updated or not?

Yes I have, ra is returning 0.

This is resolved. Changed the code to this and got rid of the paramater stuff
Dim MySQL as string
MySQL = "execute sp_set_ew_workflowid " & ScanLog & ", " & WFID
myOdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand(MySQL, myOdbcConnection)
myOdbcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
myOdbcCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
ra = myOdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

The other way should have worked to, but if I have to do it this way, I'm a happy camper

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