im trying to get the same heat index that prints int the program to write to a file. i have copied the procedure from another program that worked correctly. any help is appreciated.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HeatIndex
   public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException

       Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File("BIRMINGHAM AP,AL temp record test.txt"));

       double sumTemp = 0;
       double averageTemp = 0;
       double sumHumidity = 0;
       double averageHumidity = 0;
       double sumHeatIndex = 0;
       double averageHeatIndex = 0;
       int counter = 0;

       PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter (new File("writeFile.txt"));

       double bhamTemp[] = new double[12];
       for (int bhamTempIndex = 0; bhamTempIndex <= 11;)

            bhamTemp[bhamTempIndex] = inFile.nextDouble();
            sumTemp += bhamTemp[bhamTempIndex];
            averageTemp = sumTemp/12;

        Scanner  inFile2 = new Scanner(new File("13876BIRMINGHAM AP,AL Humidity Record Test.txt"));
        double bhamHumidity[] = new double [12];
        for (int bhamHumidityIndex = 0; bhamHumidityIndex <= 11;)
            bhamHumidity[bhamHumidityIndex] = inFile2.nextDouble();
            sumHumidity += bhamHumidity[bhamHumidityIndex];
            averageHumidity = sumHumidity/ 12;

         double heatIndex[] = new double [12];
         for (int indexCounter = 0; indexCounter <= 11;)

             heatIndex[indexCounter] = heatIndex[indexCounter] = -42.379 + (2.04901523 * bhamTemp[indexCounter]) + (10.14333127 * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]) - (.22475541 * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]) - (6.83783 * .001 * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamTemp[indexCounter]) - (5.481717 * .01 * bhamHumidity[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]) + (1.22874 * .001 * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]) + (8.5282 *  .0001 * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]) - (1.99 *  .000001 * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamTemp[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter] * bhamHumidity[indexCounter]);
             sumHeatIndex += heatIndex[indexCounter];
             averageHeatIndex = sumHeatIndex/12;


        System.out.println("                                                           Heat Index: Birmingham, AL");
        System.out.println("                                                                      Months");
        System.out.println("            Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug       Sep       Oct       Nov       Dec       Avg");
        System.out.printf("Temp F      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f\n", bhamTemp[0],bhamTemp[1],bhamTemp[2],bhamTemp[3],bhamTemp[4],bhamTemp[5],bhamTemp[6],bhamTemp[7],bhamTemp[8],bhamTemp[9],bhamTemp[10],bhamTemp[11], averageTemp);

        System.out.printf("Humidity    %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f\n", bhamHumidity[0],bhamHumidity[1],bhamHumidity[2],bhamHumidity[3],bhamHumidity[4],bhamHumidity[5],bhamHumidity[6],bhamHumidity[7],bhamHumidity[8],bhamHumidity[9],bhamHumidity[10],bhamHumidity[11],averageHumidity);

        System.out.printf("HI         %4.1f     %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f      %4.1f     %4.1f\n", heatIndex[0],heatIndex[1],heatIndex[2],heatIndex[3],heatIndex[4],heatIndex[5],heatIndex[6],heatIndex[7],heatIndex[8],heatIndex[9],heatIndex[10],heatIndex[11], averageHeatIndex);


Firstly, the start of the CODE block in posting your code here should be without '/' to display the formatted code correctly.

The way you set-up your Printwriter is without automatic flushing. You need to use flush() method after you write something into the file. Have a look on the documentation on how to set up automatic flushing.

are you just writing to the file once?

Firstly, the start of the CODE block in posting your code here should be without '/' to display the formatted code correctly.

The way you set-up your Printwriter is without automatic flushing. You need to use flush() method after you write something into the file. Have a look on the documentation on how to set up automatic flushing.

are you just writing to the file once?


thank you for the help.

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