hi friends,
From many days I wanted to create some application in Windows.
Now which IDE would be better (I am also a bit confused with the term IDE )
Turbo c or Borland C++ bulder or Visual c
Whatz the difference between these things??
Please someone clear my confusion.
Also I dont think learning the C which we studied in our colllege would be enough for this !!
Also please help me to learn this...

Don't use Turbo C, I would go for Microsoft Visual C++.
Tutorial to get you started on windows programming. [link]

Don't use Turbo C

Why not?

Why not?

It's ancient and there's just so many reasons to use an up-to-date compiler, can't be bothered listing them.

Why not?

For several obvious reasons Tom Gunn :

1)Because it is sub standard.
2)Uses all the extinct headers and commands.
3)It is not according to the c99 standards.
4)void main is valid in it.
5)The blue screen irritates a lot... ;)
And loads other stuff.........

It's ancient and there's just so many reasons to use an up-to-date compiler, can't be bothered listing them.

For several obvious reasons Tom Gunn :

1)Because it is sub standard.
2)Uses all the extinct headers and commands.
3)It is not according to the c99 standards.
4)void main is valid in it.
5)The blue screen irritates a lot...
And loads other stuff.........

That is what I thought you were going to say. Please check your facts before turning people off to a good compiler. Turbo C++ has an up-to-date version from around 2006. As far as I know, it conforms to the standard. If you are going to bash Turbo C++, at least make it clear what version you are attacking and why.

That is what I thought you were going to say. Please check your facts before turning people off to a good compiler. Turbo C++ has an up-to-date version from around 2006. As far as I know, it conforms to the standard. If you are going to bash Turbo C++, at least make it clear what version you are attacking and why.

Most of the people who use Turbo C/C++ do so because they want to make use of old headers like graphics.h. and FYI I wasn't bashing, he asked which one he should use and even if Turbo C++ is now compliant to the standard, I would still have said MSVC++ for reasons such as the debugger.

Don't use Turbo C, I would go for Microsoft Visual C++.
Tutorial to get you started on windows programming. [link]

What about borland c++ builder?
Actually I wanted to choose the best one for wndows appl dev.

Turbo C++ has an up-to-date version from around 2006. As far as I know, it conforms to the standard.

Yes it is. But it is also called C++Builder, not Turbo C++. William was advising against the use of Turbo C++, not C++ Builder and they are not the same thing. Windows 3.1 != Windows 7 :)

What about borland c++ builder?
Actually I wanted to choose the best one for wndows appl dev.

Visual Studio Expresss is my personal favourite. I like the debugger a lot and although some people say that the UI is a but cluttered, I'm quite fond of it. You can download it by clicking the link. (choose the C++ version )

Yes it is. But it is also called C++Builder, not Turbo C++.

No, I was wrong. Turbo C++ 2006, also called Turbo C++ Explorer, is not available anymore. It looks like the only free option now is a trial version of C++ Builder.

William was advising against the use of Turbo C++, not C++ Builder and they are not the same thing.

I know what William was advising against, but for the last few years Turbo C++ had been resurrected as Turbo C++ Explorer, with the 2006 version of Borland's compiler. I saw it the same as condemning VS2008 based on the problems of VS6, so I was making sure that everyone knew a more recent version of Turbo C++ was available. But I was wrong and that version is not available anymore, so it is safe to assume any mention of Turbo C++ means the ancient versions.

I apologize for giving outdated information. It was accurate when I checked a few months ago, and I made an unwarranted assumption that it was still accurate.

Another reason not to use Turbo C for Windows programming -- it can not be use for that. Turbo C is a 16-bit compiler and can not access any of the 32-bit MS-Windows libraries or DLLs.

I didn't realize Turbo C++ Explorer is no longer available. It must not have become very popular, nothing like its predecessors Turbo C or Turbo C++.

I didn't realize Turbo C++ Explorer is no longer available. It must not have become very popular, nothing like its predecessors Turbo C or Turbo C++.

I think that has something to do with the 'ring' the name has with programmers who only know Turbo as an outdated compiler (like me). Tom is right on that point, Turbo has been bashed on for a few years now and that is indoctrinating the "younger" programmers like myself.

I have solved all problems now as I am using gcc compiler now.

I use Turbo C++, and find it MUCH more friendlier than Microsoft. I worked with Microsoft products for years because that was what the companies wanted, but for myself I always something that worked. Microsoft products do what Microsoft wants, but often not what I want (or the way I want to do it). I really do not have complaints with Borland, but I would often come home from work bitching, bitching, bitching about what Microsoft products would NOT do.

I however always did get a laugh when I went to Microsoft for some tutorial or sample code on something, then found out that what their tutorial was teaching was wrong or that their sample code did not work. Microsoft products are a joke.

commented: That's the worst advice I've heard all year -2

IDE STANDS FOR Integrated design environment. it is something similar to WYSIWYG editors.

THE Differences between tc++ and visual c++ is diffference in the header files,otherwise the syntax is same.

IDE STANDS FOR Integrated design environment. it is something similar to WYSIWYG editors.

THE Differences between tc++ and visual c++ is diffference in the header files,otherwise the syntax is same.

and libraries and DLLs -- tc++ doesn't use dll's.

I however always did get a laugh when I went to Microsoft for some tutorial or sample code on something, then found out that what their tutorial was teaching was wrong or that their sample code did not work. Microsoft products are a joke.

Yes, their documentation was notoriously horrible in past years (10+ years), but they've cleaned it up quite a bit since then.

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