is there a specific character for Ctrl?

for example in Alt..
when you type &Save in the caption of a button.. the key that you gonna press is Alt+S.. how about for Ctrl?

Hmmmm ..... I only know Alt.In my experience i don't know about Ctrl in button.
If you want to add one i think you can do that by creating an user control.
Or you can detect Ctrl in coding in key press event.
In Menu bar you can add a shortcut key like Ctrl + p .

Best of luck...

Hmmmm ..... I only know Alt.In my experience i don't know about Ctrl in button.
If you want to add one i think you can do that by creating an user control.
Or you can detect Ctrl in coding in key press event.
In Menu bar you can add a shortcut key like Ctrl + p .

Best of luck...

there's no possibility to do that? i can do this in long way.. i thought there's a shortest way... hehehehe

The shortest easiest way as mentioned above is through creating a menu with a shortcut key...

Use the menu editor and create the shortcut you need.

Good Luck

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