im taking a class in python but i just cant keep up with the curriculum. Some things confuse me so i was wondering if anyone have any websites or anything that can help me get through python or at least help me understand it easier. the book im using right now is python programming second edition for the absolute beginner.

im taking a class in python but i just cant keep up with the curriculum. Some things confuse me so i was wondering if anyone have any websites or anything that can help me get through python or at least help me understand it easier. the book im using right now is python programming second edition for the absolute beginner.

Ooh. didn't notice you were already using the book that I recommended (Incidentally the one I learned Python with). Have you tried the official Python tutorial?

Here is a simple introduction:

Swaroop C.H. has rewritten his excellent beginning Python tutorial/book for Python3:

More advanced: "Dive Into Python"
Mark Pilgrim's free online book, novice to pro, updated constantly.
rewritten for Python3 (check appendix A for 2to3 differences)

Also "Think like a Python Programmer" (PDF format):

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