int hangman::checkstatus()
   for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
      if (encryption[i] == '*' )
      return i;
      cout << i;

   if ( i == 4 ) 
   cout<<"You win!"<<endl;

   return 0;

Hello guys, this function always returns a '0' and can't figure out why...... Perhaps someone could shread some light into the situation? It's ment to check if an element in the array is = to '*' and if so return that number, else it will assume i == 4 (gone through the array and now hit the end) and return a '0' in which case main as an if statment asking this.........

here is main

int main()
char guess;   
hangman game1;

cout << "Welcome to hangman alpha ver 1.2   " ;
cout <<"You start off with : "<<game1.getlives() << " lives \n " << endl;

cout << game1.checkstatus();
while((game1.getlives() !=0 ) && (game1.checkstatus() > 0))
   cout << game1.getencrption() <<endl;

   cin >> guess ;



   return 0;

well have fun! its been bugging me for hours!

int hangman::checkstatus()
   for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
      if (encryption[i] == '*' )
      return i;
      [b]cout << i;[/b]

   if ( i == 4 ) 
   cout<<"You win!"<<endl;

   return 0;

Maybe you can tell me how one can return (jump) out of this function and then execute:

      cout << i;

I would imagine that you initialize encryption with asterisks, right? So let's walk through the execution with that assumption in mind:

for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )

You create i and set it to 0. Since i is less than 5, the body of the loop is executed.

if (encryption[i] == '*' )

Since encryption was filled with asterisks, this test is true as the first character is indeed '*'. The body of the condition is executed:

return i;

0 is returned.

You should also be aware that this is incorrect:

if ( i == 4 )

Since i was declared in the for loop, it only exists until the end of the loop. So any conforming compiler will fail to compile this function because i doesn't exist at this point.

hello, I thought I best post the entire code:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class hangman

   char * getname();
   char * getencrption();
   void getletter(char letter);

   void looselife();

   int getlives();
   int checkstatus();


   char name[20];
   char encryption[20];
   int lives;
   int total;


   strcpy(encryption, "****");
   lives = 5;
   total = 4;

char * hangman::getname()
   return name;

char * hangman::getencrption()
   return encryption;

void hangman::looselife()
   cout << "You now have "<< lives << " lives remaining "<<endl;

void hangman::getletter(char letter)
   for (int i = 0 ;i < 4 ; i++)
      if( letter ==name[i] )
        encryption[i] = name[i];


   if (i == 4)
         cout << "not found" <<endl;

int hangman::getlives()
   return lives;   

int hangman::checkstatus()
   int i;

   for (  i = 4; i > 0; i--)
      if (encryption[i] == '*' )
      return i;

   if ( i == 0 ) 
   cout<<"You win!"<<endl;
   return 0;

int main()
char guess;   
hangman game1;

cout << "Welcome to hangman alpha ver 1.2   " ;
cout <<"You start off with : "<<game1.getlives() << " lives \n " << endl;

cout << game1.checkstatus();
while(game1.getlives() !=0 ) 
   cout << game1.getencrption() <<endl;

   cin >> guess ;


   if (game1.getlives() == 0)
      cout << "You've lost the game!" <<endl;

   return 0;

it still doesnt work and can't figure it out! If a player guess correctly it doesnt finish the game.....

This line (line 66 ) won't compile for me because i only exists in the scope of the for loop above it..

if (i == 4)

Also, line 88 - the break doesn't make any sense - you'll never get there - once you do the return, the entire function ends.

This line (line 66 ) won't compile for me because i only exists in the scope of the for loop above it..

if (i == 4)

Also, line 88 - the break doesn't make any sense - you'll never get there - once you do the return, the entire function ends.

I think they're really waiting for you to post back the correct working code ;-)

unlikely. I've got enough questions waiting for others to answer...

int hangman::checkstatus()
   int i;

   for (  i = 4; i > 0; i--)
      if (encryption[i] == '*' )
      return i; 

   if ( i == 0 ) 
   cout<<"You win!"<<endl;
   return 0;

Hello , here's the fixed verision..... however since an array gets its indexs at '0' then I dont think implmenting it this way is gonna work....anyone get any beter ideas?

This important part looks like it got lost.

while ( game1.getlives() != 0 && game1.checkstatus() )

This is how I might write checkstatus.

int hangman::checkstatus()
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; encryption[i] != '\0'; ++i )
      if ( encryption[i] == '*' )
         return 1;
   cout<<"You win!"<<endl;
   return 0;
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