I am trying to code a math tutor program that will have random numbers generated. Any suggestions would be greatful.

Output suppose to be:
I am having problems with this code. I keep switching it around and can not seem to get it right. This is what output suppose to be:

Menu of Operations
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Quit.

Enter the number of the operation to try (1-4)? 2

What is 6 - 8 ? 2
No, the correct answer is: -2

Menu of Operations
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Quit.

Enter the number of the operation to try (1-4)? 3
What is 3 x 4 ? 12
Yes, that is correct. Good job!
Menu of Operations
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Quit.

Enter the number of the operation to try (1-4)? 6
(BEEP) Input value is out of range.
Enter the number of the operation to try (1-4)? 4
Program Complete

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SENT 4 //"Quit" menu choice

/*  Function Prototypes */

    void DisplayMenu (void);
    void GetMenuChoice (void);
    void Gen2Rand (int*r1, int*r2);
    void DrillOneProb (int*c, int*r1, int*r2);

/*============Mainline Procedures===============*/

int main (void);

    int       c;   //Menu Choice (1-4)
    int   r1,  //First Random Integer:  2-12 inclusive
          r2;  //Second Randon Integer:  2-12 inclusive

/*===========CHILD FUNCTIONS===============*/

/*  Display Title and Menu */

void DisplayMenu (void)

        printf("MENU OF OPERATIONS\n");
        printf("1. Addition.\n");
        printf("2. Subtraction.\n");
        printf("3. Multiplication.\n");
        printf("4. Quit.\n\n");


/* Get Menu Choice */

void GetMenuChoice (void)

        int c;
        printf ("Enter the number of the operation to try (1-4):\n");
        scanf ("%d", &c);
             (c<1 || c>SENT)
                printf("\aInput value is out of range.\n");


/* Generate and return 2 integers between 2-12 inclusive */

void Gen2Rand (int *r1p, int *r2p)

        int c;

        if (c>=1 && c<SENT)

        int r1; //First random number
        int r2; //Second random number

        r1 = 2 + rand() %11;
        r2 = 2 + rand() %11;

       *r1p = r1;
       *r2p = r2;

       printf("Program complete\n");


/* Display two random numbers and ask user what the answer would be after the chosen operation*/

void DrillOneProb (int*c, int*r1, int*r2)

        int CorAns, //Correct Answer
            Reply;  // Users Reply

            printf("\nWhat is %d",*r1);
            scanf("%d", r1);

            *r1=2 + rand () % 11;

    switch (c)

        case '1':
               CorAns = *r1 + *r2;


        case '2':
              CorAns = r1 - r2;

        case '3':
          CorAns = r1 * r2;


    printf("%d ?  %d\n", r2, Reply);

          Reply == CorAns
               printf("Yes, that is correct. Good Job!");

            {    printf("No, the correct answer is: %d", CorAns);
return (0);


There are problems with the main().
First there should be no semicolon after int main(void).
Secondly, you must ecnlose the text of the main() with curly braces {}.

There are problems with the main().
First there should be no semicolon after int main(void).
Secondly, you must ecnlose the text of the main() with curly braces {}.

I already changed that, I ran my compiler and am having some problems with my switch case. The brace afterwards is coming up with error illegal type ointer to int in switch. Also the Reply = CorAns is coming up with found 'Reply' expected (.

Can anyone look at this part and tell me what is wrong.

Line 127 must be enclosed in parentheses. I'd combine lines 126 and 127 into the following

if(Reply == CorAns)

change case '1': to case 1:

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