i have a mdi form named MDIParent2 in my application and it has many child forms.
child form 1 named frmClient has 3 child forms now i want to call them in MDIParent2.
can any one tell me how to i call sub child & sub - sub child forms in same parent form.

Upload a sample project demonstrating the behavior you are currently experiencing and how you would like it to work. I'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking.

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but to get array of child forms, you can use the MdiChildren property, e.g.:

this.MdiChildren[0].BackColor = Color.Black;

//and in same manner for sub - sub child forms
this.MdiChildren[0].MdiChildren[1].BackColor = Color.Black;

my problem solved with this code

form info = new frmclientinfo();
info.MDIParent = this.MDIParent;

May be its help anyone in future.

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