Hello All...

I have a requirement to create a chat forum..

I cannot use php or other related stuff. I'm not provided with database even..

My idea is that I can use java applet to create a chat window...

What ever post which when given, it will be saved in a file locally and the contents of the file will be displayed in other window...

So for the user, it resembles as a live chatting.

But through applets, i not able to read or write a file locally.

Java security exception happening.

Please tell me what i should do.

If I use swing / JFC am successful in implmenting my logic. But it can be done in a web based.

It can only be used as a stand alone tool.

Please guide me plssssssssss!



Start with chat using this tutorial.
Smack Jabber API - Jabber is an open, XML-based standard for instant messaging, providing a non-commercial alternative to these proprietary messaging services.


Thanks for helping me...

I went through the given link.

But i felt a little tough to understand.

I'm a newbie in java... Can you jus suggest a simple technique to start with...

I can accomplish my objective using java swings.

Is it possible to access that application in web based manner???

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