hello guys,

I get this error MSG and I can't understand what is the problem with my code. my program consist a menu with 5 options:
1. The program remove double digit from a given number.
2. The program rotate the first number to the right according to the second number.
3. The program checks if the 2 numbers are permmutations of each other.
4. The program search how many times the second number appear in the first number,
9. Exit.

I know it's very long but please try to help me, I really don't have a clue. All programs work fine when I run them in a seperate file but when I put them all together I get this error so I assume there's something wrong with the menu.


1) what compiler are you using

2) what error messages do you get.

note the following:
menu variable is not declared
use break instead of continue after each case
in case 9 use exit(0) instead of break
no need of default

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