here is the question:
5. Write a basic program that allows the user to write names to a text file and read from the text file and displaying them on the screen.

string filename;
StreamReader outputFile = new StreamReader("c:\\PriceList.txt");

// Read the first item.
filename = outputFile.ReadLine();
// If an item was read, display it and read the remaining items.
while (filename != null)
    filename = outputFile.ReadLine();

shows up error!!! dont knwo what to dio!! any clues???

hmm i had a look. - if this was c++ i would try this.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream> // This libary allows standard input and output operations. 
#include <string> // strings are used as tempory storage - for the input to a text based file
#include <vector> // at one point in my program i expermented with vectors for data storage
using namespace std; // (or maybe std::getline;, std:: string;, std:: cout; , std:: cin; (namespace howecver is a short hand version to reduce code and possible errors. 
#include <fstream> // this allows filestreaming and allows the reading and writing of a file

int AddFirstName(int intEnterANumber)
cout << "Please Enter the FirstName \n";
cin >> strFirstName;

ofstream File;"Store.txt",ios::app);

File << strFirstName;
File <<",";


File << strFirstName;


return 0;

sorry if this does not help. but c# is kinda depritive of c++.

here is the question:
5. Write a basic program that allows the user to write names to a text file and read from the text file and displaying them on the screen.

string filename;
StreamReader outputFile = new StreamReader("c:\\PriceList.txt");

// Read the first item.
filename = outputFile.ReadLine();
// If an item was read, display it and read the remaining items.
while (filename != null)
    filename = outputFile.ReadLine();

shows up error!!! dont knwo what to dio!! any clues???

Try this:

string filename;
StreamReader outputFile = new StreamReader("c:\\PriceList.txt");
    filename = output.ReadLine();
catch (Exception e)

If this dosn't work, please post the exact exception that occurs (if my syntax is correct it should output to the Console). I did not have time to test this code. Please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll look into it further.

but wen i read path from a text file, den it reads & shows correctly but anable to store the path of file into string type variable.
The first file contains the paths of all files used in project, so i wnt to open this file & read path of a file den store into variable for open this file.
please help me .............
Thanks in advance

@memory100 - did you resolve your issue? if not, what error are you recieving? - please dont piggyback onto threads. If you ahve a problem you can create a thread and get help specific to your problem. Adding new problems to related threads leads to confusion.

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