Java has matured in terms of UI presentation.
search project Aerith for examples on some of the neat things that can be done when mixing JOGL, Swing and Java2d.

However, it seems these only work on windows. Mac is still strangely alienated from the Java revolution, cuz Steve still strangely insists that his boys be the ones to create their own JVM perhaps? These UI improvements have been around since 2006 and here we are now in 2009, with "Java for Mac (java 6)" not having JOGL/Java2D interoperability support.

Has anyone tried playing around with JOGL on OSX? Did you try running the XTrans demo on the JOGL site? Did it work for you?

Even trying to compile the source code for the Xtrans demo gives me this:

Error: XTDesktopPane requires new Java2D/JOGL support in Java SE 6

Not even running with -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True fixes it.
So its just not supported. Here's the exception I get: Java2D OpenGL pipeline not active (or necessary support not present)

That command was supposed to activate the opengl java2d pipeline, but nothing still the same thing, so I guess I'm forced to go with the "or necessary support not present" part.

Damn you Mac!
You're so hot but just as useless! XD

Java has matured in terms of UI presentation.
search project Aerith for examples on some of the neat things that can be done when mixing JOGL, Swing and Java2d.

However, it seems these only work on windows. Mac is still strangely alienated from the Java revolution, cuz Steve still strangely insists that his boys be the ones to create their own JVM perhaps? These UI improvements have been around since 2006 and here we are now in 2009, with "Java for Mac (java 6)" not having JOGL/Java2D interoperability support.

Has anyone tried playing around with JOGL on OSX? Did you try running the XTrans demo on the JOGL site? Did it work for you?

Even trying to compile the source code for the Xtrans demo gives me this:

Error: XTDesktopPane requires new Java2D/JOGL support in Java SE 6

Does Mac have/use OpenGL?

Every computer OS uses OpenGL. It is DirectX that is isolated to windows.

Does Mac have/use OpenGL?

Well, sorry to say, JOGL is not part of the JDK itself, so Mac is not required to implement/support it. That is not a satisfying answer, but true.

Edit: BTW, All systems you know of, or you believe. There is nothing that requires any OS to implement it, or that even if they implement it to interact with the Video Cards they wish to install, there is nothing that says that they have give any other program direct access to the API.

Well by every computer OS, I naturally mean the main-scale Desktop computer Operating Systems (PC,Mac,Linux). I wouldn't be interested in an OS someone builds on their own in isolation.

JOGL is just a Java-binding that wraps around OpenGL on the major OSs and is currently just as a part of the JDK as most modular libraries ever get to be (see JSR 231). OpenGL itself is a standard, and does not depend on JOGL. It exists in all the Major OSs (hence a game like Doom 3 working playable on windows/Mac/Linux).

Moving on, I wasn't refering to JOGL not working on the mac, because it does (Used it alot already). I'm referring to the new "JOGL/Java2D interoperability" feature present in the JDK 6 (popularly known as mustang) which PC and even Linux have the pleasure of using....but not Apple's Mac.

If Apple is going to make their own JVM and lag behind Sun's JDK releases on a time-basis, they should at least put in all features of the JDK version that they say they are bring into their "Java for Mac".

My realm of expertise is in 3D graphic innovations for cross-platform GUIs so naturally, I tend to favor Java and these are features I need as a Java developer on that mission. Unfortunately, it seems Apple thinks my demographic of Java developers isn't important so now I'm left feeling like a sucker for footing the cash to buy a Mac in the first place.

...Still though, I guess it does put me in the right position to ensure my UIs are trully cross-platform. If I end up making a 3D Java GUI that works on the Mac, I can know for sure it'll work on the other OSs since it seems the Mac is the wierd, isolated child that likes to sit in the corner and play with/by itself :)

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