How can I get this output by running a for loop
the logic is that after the multiples of 2, "This" will b printed, after the multiples of 3, "Is" will b printed and after the multiples of 5, "Java" will b printed.
pls help with code

2 This
3 Is
4 This
5 Java
6 This Is
8 This
9 Is
10 This Java
12 This Is
14 This
15 Is Java
16 This
18 This Is
20 This Java

Use the mode (%) operator inside a for loop like so :

final int MAX = 100;
for(int i = 1; i  < MAX; ++i){
  if(i % 2 == 0 ) /* if i is a multiple of 2 */
   { //do stuff    }
else if(i % 3 == 0 )/* if i is a multiple of 3 */
       {// do stuff   }
else if( i % 5 == 0 ) /* if i is a multiple of 5 */
          { //do stuff       }

You would not want to use else if, because if a number is a multiple of say 2 and 5, it will only print "This" istead of printing "This Java".


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