Please tell me how can i access the cache in C++ code .... ???

what "catch" ? There are lots of them on the computer. You can't get access to most of them because they are part of the os.

what "catch" ? There are lots of them on the computer. You can't get access to most of them because they are part of the os.

I mean i want to access Internet Explorer cache ....
In fact i want to read the source code of IE file in my CPP file...
i want to read the text that i enter in textFields on Internet explorer ....

If you have any other idea except reading it from cache ..... plz share it with me ...

I have no idea how to do that.

>i want to read the text that i enter in textFields on Internet explorer ....
Sounds very suspicious. Can you come up with a reason why you want to do this that doesn't amount to malware?

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