Hi all,
i tried to encrypt and decrypt the files, that was successful,, but i wanted to reduce the size of the file and then decompress or decrypt it ..Nothing happening now.
Any help will be really appreciated.


Ancient Dragon gave you some links to freely available libraries in your other post. If you're up for some theory check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv but it's definitely preferable to use a library rather than re-implementing from scratch. Please elaborate on what help you need with the compression if this is not what you are looking for.

Ancient Dragon gave you some links to freely available libraries in your other post. If you're up for some theory check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv but it's definitely preferable to use a library rather than re-implementing from scratch. Please elaborate on what help you need with the compression if this is not what you are looking for.

Thanks jonsca for the reply.
I don't know how to code using the other libraries.
I can't download from the links Ancient Dragon wrote about because of security reasons.
I am doing coding for my Manager, but I am not having a depth knowledge of c++.
I don't know how to proceed.
I am looking for a code help.
Hope you got it.

I personally do not have the background. If you are still learning C++ you should get more experience with it before using a complex library and certainly before trying to write one yourself from scratch. Not trying to be harsh but given all of the constraints you have (can you use any libraries at all?-- I know 7-zip has one, I'm not sure if that was in AD's links or if you can use it) it's less than practical.

Apologies that I offered you less than zero software help but I don't have enough specific experience.

Hey jonsca,
Thanks again for the reply.
Although I can use any library, but you know downloading the libraries, from the internet,(b'coz of the security check) is not allowed.
But I would be pleased to know as how to use these libraries, anyhow.Or if i could get attached library software at <<removed>> from your side,i don't know if you are allowed to do it.

Thanks To You again.

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