Hello everyone!!!

I have the following pseudocode and I'm not exactly sure how/where to plug it into my code. I am still very lost concerning programing so please bear with my ignorance...:)

/* pseudocode for Binomial
Coefficients */
int binomial(int n, int k)
If (n < k) Then return (0)
Set denominator = 1*2*...*k
Set numerator = (n-k+1)*(n-k+2)*...*(n-1)*n
return (numerator / denominator)
} // else
End if

This is my code below but from line 38, I'm not sure what to do next:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int binomial(int n, int k) ; // function prototype

int main ()
    int n, k ; // parameters for the binomial number
    int result ;
    cout << endl ;
    // read in n & k
    cout << "Enter n (positive integer) : " ;
    cin >> n ;
    cout << "Enter k (positive integer) : " ;
    cin >> k ;
    result = binomial(n,k); 
    cout << "Binomial number " << n << "C" << k
         << " = " << result << endl ;
    return (0) ;

int binomial(int n, int k)

    int numerator, denominator ;
    int i ; // needed to compute numerator & denominator
    if (n < k) Then
    return (0) ; 
      denominator = 1*2*...*k ; 
      for ( i = : <= ; i=i+1)
     denominator = * ;
     write code to compute numerator, along similar lines
     return ( ) ; write return value

Yeah, from line 38 everything seems to be messed up. Could you please explain more about the binomial number please. What exactly are you supposed to find?

you will need to set up the variable values for numerator and the denominator using 2 different for loops

and then compute numerator/denominator.. after which you send it up.

Hi, This is the code starting at line 38, I am supposed to plug my code into the red areas but I'm very lost, the pseudocode is in the beginning of my original post.....Thanks!

if (  ) Write if-test
     return(  ) ; Write return value
      denominator =    ; Write initial value

      for (i =    ; i <=    ; i = i+1)
        denominator =    *    ;
        Write code to compute numerator, along similar lines

      return (  ) ; Write return value

Thanks for replying. The thing is that I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

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