I'm creating a simple desktop application using java. For that I would like to create my own look and feel. But I feel helpless ....
Could anyone provide me guidelines in doing this.. If possible would you please provide me some useful, simple websites (explaining the basics) regarding swing-look and feel .

I'm cofused with whether creating our own look and feel is easy either with net beans IDE or simply using command prompt....pls help


Edit: P.S. Attempting to crete your own look and feel far from a "simple" task. It tasks even the best of Java Programmers (to get it right, anyway).

Thank you..I found Synth seems more useful....But is it possible to implement Synth in netbeans? Please help me ?

Thank you..I found Synth seems more useful....But is it possible to implement Synth in netbeans? Please help me ?

Read this on Synth Look and Feel.

Anyway masijade is correct it is complex task, not just simple replacement of graphics as the above tutorial tries to do

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