I have this program that I am working on that I am trying to insert user entered integers till a "-1" is detected and it will stop inserting the integers into the Tree and print it out inOrder.

I am geting 2 errors:

File: S:\makeup1.java [line: 9]
Error: S:\makeup1.java:9: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Tree
location: class makeup1

File: S:\makeup1.java [line: 9]
Error: S:\makeup1.java:9: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Tree
location: class makeup1

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;

public class makeup1{
    public static void main(String [] args){
    int n;
    Tree t = new Tree();
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("input integer into tree: ");
      n = scanner.nextInt();
   public static class tree{
    public int value;
    public tree right;
    public tree left;
    public tree(int V, tree L, tree R){
        value = V;
        left = L;
        right = R;
   public static tree insert(tree t, int i){
      return null; 
       insert(t.left, i);
     else if(t.right!=null){
       insert(t.right, i);
   public static tree treesort(tree t){
       return null;
       return t.left;
     return t.right;


Can anyone help me out?

The compiler tells you that it doesn't understand what is Tree[/]. To fix the problem you should either add import for Tree data type, or declare this data type in your makeup1 class.

You have Tree t = new Tree(); but the class you defined is "tree" in lower case. Change the line to lower case "tree", or change the class to upper case.

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