hi there.
i have 6 long numbers in a text file that i am reading from.
these numbers can be of any length but written in the one of the formats as i have written below.
the numbers are

102,2131,432 //format 1
32,531 //format1
74 //format2
534532.5 //format3
1,500 //format1
3,120,352 //format1

i want the output as

. i.e. the numbers before the commas or the dots. i want to discard everything else. Any idea how i can get them???

i have the code to read the file and stuff. i just need the code for this bit.
the output is inside the same while loop that i am using to read the file. the loop is...
while(fscanf(MYFILE,"%s", &STOREHERE) == 1)
//my code is here

i dont want to put my code here because its a very long and complicated one. n i dont want to confuse all of u by telling u d whole thing. please help me in getting just what i have stated above.
Many thanks in advance,

I think I understand what you want - try investigating the isdigit() function.

I think I understand what you want - try investigating the isdigit() function.

as far as i know, the isdigit function will not work for a large number including commas.
for xample, a number like 43,123,321 wont be handled by the function

as far as i know, the isdigit function will not work for a large number including commas.
for xample, a number like 43,123,321 wont be handled by the function

The number your referring to is a string of ascii characters...

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   const char filename[] = "file.txt";
   FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
   if ( file )
      char line[BUFSIZ], text[10];
      while ( fgets(line, sizeof line, file) )
         if ( sscanf(line, "%9[^, .]", text) == 1 )
            printf("text = \"%s\"\n", text);
   return 0;

/* file.txt
102,2131,432 //format 1
32,531 //format1
74 //format2
534532.5 //format3
1,500 //format1
3,120,352 //format1

/* my output
text = "102"
text = "32"
text = "74"
text = "534532"
text = "1"
text = "3"

thanks dave... you provide me a very nice information its really very useful for me.

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