can you help me to do a payroll system using Vb6?

Yes, we probably could but we will not make it for you, but here are some hints to get started.

Step #1
Get out the old Mark I recording device and jot down your ideas. Those ideas being how you want the program to work, what fields or data will you need to capture, how you will capture them, and how you will store them.

Step #2
Now organize those ideas as you answer these questions. Will there be security? Will there be multiple users? How many?

Step #3
Start drilling down on the exact functionality of each form, module, and class that you will need.

Step #4
Create your database and start coding.

Step #5
If you have problems with your code, post the relavant code here with the problem you are having and/or the error you are recieving, number and description, and we will try and help you.

(Mark I recording device = pad and pen/pencil)

Good Luck

vb5prgrmr , Its really nice. so stigmatized plz do step by step.

Just populate a fictious payroll table, store it in a MS Acess database , read and update the table from your VB forms , simple.

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