What do I need that I can add a reference to System.Windows.Controls namespace?


You need to add "PresentationFramework" in the reference to use "System.Windows.Controls"

I have attached screenshot for reference.

Thank you.

Thx. I got the reference to System.Windows.Controls.
But now there is a nother problem. I would like to use ListViewItem, but there is ambiguoulty between Forms and Controls references.
Take a look at this picture.

You can use like this way;

System.Windows.Controls.ListViewItem lstitem = new System.Windows.Controls.ListViewItem();

Is that ok?

hi actualy am in company ,,,,i cont get ur scren shot,,,thy blocked some thg ......can u plz mail th steps to add ref for system.windows.controls
...i tryed ths (ref-addref ) but thr s no ref like(balajimohanasundaram@gmail.com)

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