hi everyone
ı have a very big text file which is 35mb and that includes 85000 lines.
those lines are the rules of ıptales
and from the command shell ı do paste and copy and as you can see it that ıs very diffucult to paste every lıne

ı trıed to write a loop wıth os.popen(myfile).read()

ıt never reached the end .. becasue my fıle ıs to bıg

so ı have two questions
1. how can ı make ı read from command shel (like ı wıll poınt my txt file from the shell and ıt wıll command and read thıs fıle)

2. whıch forumula or loop wıll be suffıcıent for my problem.
should ı use pıckle or shelve

thank alot for your helps

you are using the "wrong" approach to reading a file. use a for loop

for line in f:
   print "do something with ",line

you are using the "wrong" approach to reading a file. use a for loop

for line in f:
   print "do something with ",line

thaks for the reply but my goal ıs to use lınux commands ın order to read text fıle from python or command shel

Editor's note:
Please do not make your question a moving target!
It is very frustrating to the people who are trying to help you.
Try to state your question in it's full scope the first time around.

. how can ı make ı read from command shel (like ı wıll poınt my txt file from the shell and ıt wıll command and read thıs fıle)

Have you tried something like
program.bash > program.py
where the output of the shell is the input to the Python program. If you want to use popen, take a look at "Reading Output of Another Command" here http://blog.doughellmann.com/2007/07/pymotw-subprocess.html Note that subprocess has replaced os.open.

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