Hi,im here for d first tym and also for d frst tym ever in any forum.im very much intrstd 2 learn C#.bt i dnt knw in wich way i should start.i dnt knw any othr language.is it possible for me 2learn C#???
any gud heart thr pls pls help me.thank you in advance.......

Every learning process starts with acquiring good manners. Like writing in normal English for instance. Even native English speakers make mistakes in their spelling, that is only human. But untill what you write becomes the official spelling, try to follow the existing spelling rules and you will get help with your questions.

sorry!!really i am very much sorry for my spelling.i will not do it in future.thank you!!

Hi,im here for d first tym and also for d frst tym ever in any forum.im very much intrstd 2 learn C#.bt i dnt knw in wich way i should start.i dnt knw any othr language.is it possible for me 2learn C#???
any gud heart thr pls pls help me.thank you in advance.......

im naren
First u learn c and c++ then u goto
www.msdn.com. use this site to study each and every line in c#

If you are new to programming then I suggest you learn Visual Basic first. Its good for newbies and easy to learn. You can switch to C# later.

go to msdn and start learn from there.....

If you are new to programming then I suggest you learn Visual Basic first.

Why VB?
Learn Pascal! Pascal is a language originally designed for that purpose.

well!!thank you all for some valuable suggestions for me.i think this suggestions also help you other guys who will come here for same intentions.
actually i am trying to learn C# for last two months(Microsoft visual C# 2008 Express Edition).i have downloaded the book "Beginner's Guide C# 3.0" by Herbert Schildt, wich is very helpful.But things seems difficult.i am afraid whether i am on right or wrong way.whether i am wasting my time in a wrong way.i am here for a better way.
i love and respect you all.special thanks to Mr. Danny!!

well!!thank you all for some valuable suggestions for me.i think this suggestions also help you other guys who will come here for same intentions.
actually i am trying to learn C# for last two months(Microsoft visual C# 2008 Express Edition).i have downloaded the book "Beginner's Guide C# 3.0" by Herbert Schildt, wich is very helpful.But things seems difficult.i am afraid whether i am on right or wrong way.whether i am wasting my time in a wrong way.i am here for a better way.
i love and respect you all.special thanks to Mr. Danny!!

You're welcome, glad to be of help:)
I think the book you downloaded is a good choice to start with.
And also visiting this forum pays of, I know because I'm still learning too. Please mark this thread as solved if you don't mind.
And : nvr wrt like ths agn!!!;)

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