
Say MyClass inherits from BaseClass, and I write the following constructor for MyClass:

public MyClass()

When MyClass constructor is called, does it call automatically the BaseClass constructor (even though I didn't explicitly wrote this) ?

Thanks !

Yes, if you do not specify which parent constructor to call, C# will automatically call the base class's parameterless constructor.

see here :)

I think when you inherit a certain class, the parent or the class should first initialized with the constructor, even if you didn't call it explicitly.

To do this here's the code

public class _baseClass(){

public _baseClass(){
//some code here

public _baseClass(int j){
//some code here

public class childClass : _baseClass{

public class childClass(int x) : base(x){
//some code here

I hope this benefits you, happy coding


Thank you both !

Yes, at first is called the parent constructor, next child, here are complex explanation of inheritance:

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