hey ! i have a homework, actually is a work for note, and i cant resolve it :S:S
its my first year in c++

First off, what is the actual problem at hand?? Secondly, what code have you tried so far to solve this problem?

i have it in my language, i have to traduce to english fisrt. its c++ code, using vectors

Ok, wow, so this is interesting. How on earth are we supposed to help you if you don't have the problem laid out? Translate it as necessary and come back.

^^ okay


This is a time when you need golf commentators at the forum:
"Well, Jim we're waiting on a post from JoaoC to see what he's got up his sleeve"
"Bob, all we can do it just wait patiently. The crowd is quieting down, he sets up to putt"

commented: Haha :) +12

"Well Jim, now that Tiger Woods has found other hobbies, it's time for the new generation to have a swing at the trophy"
"Yes Bob, a swing indeed"

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