im completely new to python and not particularly experienced with anything that isnt running off of a web server...

Im reading 'A byte of Python' and while my first shell script worked, which was just the 'Hello world', but if I create a separate file and have saved it within the python31 directory which was created when I installed python onto my pc... the book says that if I set the first line of the separate file to


and then in the shell just type


it will run... but it doesnt...

where do i save files?
what should i set as the path to the interpreter?


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You can type whatever code you want and just save it as "<whatever>.py" and that's it! It should work even if you double-click it!

What does your file look like?

Also the shebang line #!/usr/bin/python only works with the Linux/Unix OS.

Don't run your Python programs from the shell, use an IDE editor, see:

The shell is for short tests of mostly one line code.

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