
My friend and I are trying to program a basic 3D modeler. Nothing fancy just a very basic program. I was wondering if anyone here could help me with reading material. We need to figure out the math and that is what I can doing now. Any good books around that might help us. Online material is also helpful.

We plan to use C++. I have some idea as to what the main class will be: vector, point, polygon and maybe matrix.

Appreciate any help you could lend me.



Google blender. Its a good 3d modeler. You can create some 3d model and
use C++ to load it in, and display it with some API like openGL or direct3D.

Not quite what I wanted. I want to *implement* a basic 3D modeler. I want help with the general design of the for example vector class. What functions/method go in it, the math behind those respective functions.



You should take a look at the how some of the open source ones on the market have been coded by reading into their source code. Some good open source ones are Blender 3d (for linux) and Google Blender. The source code for those programs will provide better reading material than any book ;)

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