Hey guys,

I'm working on an SQLite3 wrapper using C programming.
I was wondering if you know how can I set database properties such as mode, headers and echo through the C application.

For example when running the SQLite shell and you are connected to the database you can do something like :

.mode col
.headers on ///and so on

Can i do that using code and not from the command line level?



I never used SQLite3 but I'm going to say yes because when I googled SqLite3 it said this...

Cross-platform C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. The site offers user and developer ...

Why would you need C wrapper functions for a C library?

I've been to that site and I know how the C library works... what I don't know is if there is an implemented method for handling database properties....

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