Hi all,
I have two checked list boxes
In one I have the list of various softwares such as Windows, Office, PDF Writers,etc.,etc.
I want that when user clicks on any one software the other list box gets filled with various options in that.
User checks windows...then the second list box gets filled with the various windows available in my database dynamically.
Now if the user selects Windows as well as Office then the second list box gets filled with various windows as well as the various office that are available.
Another thing I want to mention is I have already created functions for each type of software. What I need is you all help me how can I call the functions.
Thanks in advance

Hey guys
Please help me fast. It is just one part of my project.

If my explanations is not clear do tell me. I will try to give a better explanation to my problem.
Thank you

Okay, so I take it you have the filling of the second listbox figured out, even if user changes mind and unselects say MS Word and what you need to figure out is how to launch such software while using those options...

Well if they are command line arguements, you can use the intrinsic Shell Function, or the API ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx. Now, if they are things like you would do through automation then you could use createobject...

Good Luck

Thanks a lot vb5prgrmr
But to be true I totally could not understand what you said.
Can you explain with the help pf codes?
Thank you again

Break what I wrote down into its individual parts starting with the first sentence...

so I take it you have the filling of the second listbox figured out?
even if user changes mind and unselects say MS Word ?
what you need to figure out is how to launch such software while using those options?

Well if they are command line arguements, you can use the intrinsic Shell Function, or the API ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx. Now, if they are things like you would do through automation then you could use createobject...

Note: Things in bold can be looked up in VB's help and on the web with your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing)

So, what is it that you do not understand? Which part? Did you answer my questions???

Hi vb5prgrmr
Thanks for the help I will try and get back to you soon
Thank you once again

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