I am trying to finish the second release of this hpgl interface for ubuntu/linux, The first release is popular but not very feature rich. My problem is I have added two large save and read in settings buttons on the bottom of the gui window. I need to be able to save to a file all the screen options to a chosen filename. I want it to save to ~/bin/xxxx.set (only to that folder) with .set extension and then the reverse reading in xxx.set file and refreshing the gui window. The .set can be visible to the user or not it's for sorting only anyway.

Thanks for your help!

I forgot to add:
In the middle row of spinboxes I just can't get doublespinboxes implemented so they don't completely mimic the third slider value when changed, It would be nice with the decimal point like the slider lcd number.

You are mixing spaces and tabs as indentations which makes a mess out of your code, at least in my editor.

You are mixing spaces and tabs as indentations which makes a mess out of your code, at least in my editor.

I know now thats not a good idea. Sorry
I was using just plain old gedit and it didn't really notify me until it was to late.

If you want to have a go at it I can compensate you via paypal.

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