Hi all,

I have a problem concerning my project which is Persoanlised Agent for hotels.
In fact, i am creating an interface using java swing for entering the details so as to be able to search for available hotels in a specific country..
the different search criteria is 1) Price
2) No of days the person will stay
and so on

after entering all these details, the detail will go to different hotel sites and put them in the texbox of the sites and a search will start.....For this am using javascript

no my Problem is that after after the details are retrieved.......I have to read it and put it in am xml rss reader automatically
And that i am not being able to do........My agent i think i should it in JAde
Please help me as soon as possible
Am eagerly awaiting for ur input

just i given guide how to proceed..

first you to see below link then try yourself for how do handle xml in java with retrieved data...

HI musthafa,

I really appreciate ur help
i have seen the code but my problem is that the link u give me and the code......i have to entered manually for the details

However, me i want the details to come automatically from the different sites to the xml........
hope u can help me plz


you need to get data from websites and put it in xml right...

then look JAVA API

1.Class SAXParser-(you can treat the webpages as xml resources & then use DOM or SAX parsers)

2.Class URL-examples


you need to get data from websites and put it in xml right...

then look JAVA API

1.Class SAXParser-(you can treat the webpages as xml resources & then use DOM or SAX parsers)

2.Class URL-examples

hi again,

thank u for ur help

i am new to this thats why am having so many problems
i will be really grateful if u could give me an examples or a link on how to do it

thank u

you might want to take a look at this. it's written in Java and it deals with creating, editing, ... xml files in Java

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