I have created small application(a part of payrole process), for my personal use in VB 6.0,

which takes in the employees details, their salary details, employeers details, ect. and computes some othre values.

the purpose of this application is to print some forms(4 monthly, 2 half yearly and an anual form), i am not able to achive to print the forms using the reports in VB, my friend suggested me to use Cristal Reports(which i am not able ot find for VB 6.0).

i have thought about making a form(vbform) with background wight,,, but it will print the borders and big problem is i am using a dot matrix printer.

is there any better way of using reports or how to use cristal reports...

i have more than 4 tables in access, for each form i might be required to take values from multiple tables.

please help.(if require i will upload my application also)

>>my friend suggested me to use Cristal Reports(which i am not able to find for VB 6.0)
Cristal reports is a different software. its not able in vb6. you need to collect it.
>>is there any better way of using reports or how to use cristal reports..
it is easy to use data report of vb6. so you need do this like:
1. project>add data environment
2. project>add data datareport
data environment connect with database and data report connect with data environment. then design the data report.

Probably the reason you cannot find Crystal Reports is because your are spelling it incorrectly. Now, certain versions of VB6.0 came with Crystal reports 4.5 but you have to install it seperately. Look on your VB CD for a folder called Crystal and if you have it, install it. You can also find CR8.0 on the net but it is not free.

This however is not your only choice. As you have stated you can use Me.Print "MyString" or you could use a text box (Text1.Text = Text1.Text & MyString & vbNewLine) with its multiline property set to true. Then there is the RTB (RichTextBox) and as noted above a data report.

Now, if you use the text box or RTB solution, you can do one of two things to print the results out to the computer. One is Printer.Print Text1.Text (RTB.Text) or you can save the results to a file and use ShellExecute with the "print" verb.

Good Luck

hi guys, thanks for the reply, it is not like i don't know reports, i have created one of the 7 reports(well 3 years back)...

can some one provide me information like the verson of CR supported for VB6.0, and where i can download a trail version.

attached the application... i did this 3 years back at my college time, left it as i was not able to do the reports, now i really need it...

(as a work around) is there any way i can print the vb form(not the report) in a dot matrix printer fast... like removing the borders and putting white background...

Did you not read what I wrote??? If you can print it to the form, you can print it to the printer. How about the part of looking on the CD for CR???

Time to use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) to search as you can download version 8, 8.5, 9, 11, ... and other CR Products...

Use crystal report and in font keep drft i.e. support for dot matrix

I have created small application(a part of payrole process), for my personal use in VB 6.0,

which takes in the employees details, their salary details, employeers details, ect. and computes some othre values.

the purpose of this application is to print some forms(4 monthly, 2 half yearly and an anual form), i am not able to achive to print the forms using the reports in VB, my friend suggested me to use Cristal Reports(which i am not able ot find for VB 6.0).

i have thought about making a form(vbform) with background wight,,, but it will print the borders and big problem is i am using a dot matrix printer.

is there any better way of using reports or how to use cristal reports...

i have more than 4 tables in access, for each form i might be required to take values from multiple tables.

please help.(if require i will upload my application also)

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